To Kerb or Not To Kerb…

Today brought the sunshine out a little, and as you can see this brought plenty of visitors too. One of our main concerns is that when our wee lane gets too overwhelmed vehicles mount the path. The path runs directly in front of our homes.

If one was to conduct a risk assessment this would be highlighted as a concern. It is not a big stretch of the imagination to worry about the wellbeing of the residents as they leave their front doors.

About five to six years ago this volume of traffic was not a conversation anyone locally was having, and tourists have always been welcome to visit this beautiful location. They still are today. It makes sense that people would want to visit. I love living here because of the environment, scenery and wildlife, so I can completely understand the appeal.

This blog is simply sharing and reiterating what is taking place right outside.

Take care and be safe.

Photo taken spontaneously on August 16th, 2021