
The conversation about campervans is not a new one, and I am simply unqualified to enter in to such a debate. All I wish to do is to point out what can happen within certain parameters.

This outer wall separates the property of a home-owner from their parking space here at the Whaligoe Steps. The parking space was clearly marked as the resident’s parking space. At this specific time there were no cones or items to protect the empty space out of respect for those visiting the Whaligoe Steps, allowing an invaluable space for parking as the numbers of tourists swelled due to the increasing popularity.

Sadly on this occasion a campervan reversed too far and as you can see, property damage was inevitable. Another concern for those thinking about these accidents, is that if this campervan had gone any further then the resident’s actual home would have been impacted!

Just a reminder to be vigilant at the time this blog entry was made. It ruined the holiday for this tourist, and it ruined the few months that the resident spent chasing and resolving this particular issue.

As always thanks for your time, take care and be safe.

Resident’s wall was knocked down by a campervan on the 6th of September, 2020