Be Safe…

For just over a week, I began to assemble this blogging website that you see before you although the idea had been kicking around in my head for several years prior. The idea was to be informative about different aspects of living so close to the Whaligoe Steps.

With that in mind, this site would share what would be perceived as public announcements, share observations and thoughts, share images of wildlife and nature, to generally make the immediate area safer and more enjoyable for visitors and residents alike. It was with sadness though that I observed a significant tailback in both directions of the A99 at the end of the resident’s lane yesterday.

A two-car accident had taken place at the junction here in the hamlet of Ulbster. Right beside the telephone box which is situated at the entrance of the access lane which takes you to the resident’s car park. (Although it is known amongst many people these days as the “Whaligoe Steps car park”).

Photo taken 20th August, 2021
Tailback going South from Wick. (20th August, 2021)

Due to the increase in traffic and general activity around the Whaligoe Steps in the past four or more years, it is going to be busy at times. If you have time, check the earlier posts which show congestion and delays. Even my Postman was stuck the other day and could not tackle his rounds on time.

During these busy and occasionally congested times all I can keep on saying is please be mindful, take care and be safe so that all who visit this area will have the best of times – not the saddest of times.

20th August, 2021