Storm Babet Vs. Whaligoe Steps

Known by some as ‘Storm Babet’, to others as a ‘weather system’; strong winds and relentless showers bombarded parts of the United Kingdom to varying degrees.

Here at Whaligoe Steps from Thursday, October 19th, 2023 and continuing through to Saturday night (Oct. 21st), the North Sea expressed remarkable turmoil in dramatic waves and a roar so loud as the coastline was battered.

The wave below ran up to the very top of a two hundred and fifty foot cliff face…

The video clip above was filmed at around 13:20 British Standard Time on Thursday afternoon… The microphone was being abused by the harsh weather, so remember to mute your speakers.

It was difficult to stand up and film this clip due to the ferocity of the weather during the first day of Storm Babet being active, but you can see the extreme swelling of the tides and the North Sea and you can get a real ambience of this thankfully irregular weather experience.

On Saturday (October 21st, 2023) afternoon, I tentatively ventured down Whaligoe Steps which was a partial waterfall and the rain was prolific – Video clip above.

The photographs below were taken during Friday, October 20th…

The waterfall was behaving in an unusual way, defiant of gravity and what the eyes normally witness… It went up the way instead of down!

Now for something I filmed this Sunday (October 22nd, 2023) morning during my daily trek down and around Whaligoe Steps… A clip from the pebble shoreline with a notably diminished wind factor and raging storm in the rear view mirror!

Nature’s very own foam party!

During my daily trek this Sunday and assessing the damage and change in landscape after the weather system had ravaged the coastline for three days, here are some photographic highlights of what I witnessed.

Foam was abundant on the pebble shore and I was pleased to see Star out and about…

My thoughts go out to all those who are confronting the fallout from this severe natural weather condition. I’ve personally never experienced the ferocity of wind which I encountered when I ventured out over these past few days, and I’m another statistic looking at property damage as a result of the devastating weather system.

Until my next blog entry documenting my ‘Whaligoe Steps 365’ challenge, I’m sending you positive wishes as always. Thank you for your continued support, generosity of time and for being You.

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