Subscribers and Updates…

Photo taken on December 15th, 2021

Hello again! I bet you thought I had been out with my camera around Whaligoe Steps taking my photographs of the wildlife, and perhaps fallen in to the north sea?! Well, as you may witness, I am still kicking around!

I have been busy with my general surveillance of nature around the Steps, with updates of activity appearing on social media. It is a blessing to recognise I have a full life. As a consequence, squeezing in what I wish to achieve is most challenging but rewarding when all is said and done.

Photo taken on December 15th, 2021

Firstly, I wish to share that those keen-eyed visitors to who took the plunge and subscribed are in for a treat. Tomorrow there will be a draw from the names of subscribers I have, and I will then send out an email during Saturday the 18th of December announcing the winner.

I was very nervous trying to compose my first ever subscription email, and I know how sometimes these things can get mislaid. So, to reiterate, those who have subscribed (including recent additions) will automatically be put in to this giveaway draw. The winner who is chosen at random will hear from me via email to organise where and when to send them a cosy hat…

My first ever giveaway prize draw for subscribers

The plan is to sort out two more blog entries in the coming weeks which will address a recap of life around Whaligoe Steps for those who are new to the unfolding story, plus a blog post covering a natural wonder with a (hopefully) positive ending. I don’t wish to elaborate on this as it might bring about some negative presence and unwelcome influence. Mother Nature after all, is a wonderful and powerful entity which will perform as it does.

Photo taken on December 16th, 2021

Not only do I juggle family, my job, downtime and poetry scribbles, but I also find time on my regular trips down Whaligoe Steps to pick up litter! In recent days I noticed as a result of some over-zealous storms, a collection of plastic-based pollution washing up on the pebble beach here. Fear not, after about an hour I had gathered it up and on two visits it was cleared away.

It doesn’t clean away itself apparently…

The final thing to add just now, is simply have yourself a contented Festive time! I sincerely hope it brings many positive memories during what for some can be a bittersweet time of year. My positive wishes and thoughts go out to you all, take care as always and stay safe!

All the best,


Have a wonderful Christmas & Happy New Year!