New Challenge (Part 1)

Not someone who would shy away from a challenge (within reason), I have been pondering over whether it would be possible to tackle a trek down Whaligoe Steps every day for one year. Capturing whatever I witness on each of those visits via my trusty camera for posterity. My challenge began after some preparation on May 1st, 2023.

So as this challenge evolves, I’ll share with you a couple of photographs from each day to give you an idea what a wonder this whole idea should result in. Imagine a 365 day tour of the Whaligoe Steps?!

This is the first blog to share some photographs and observations during the first fortnight…

May 1st, 2023: Drizzly start to my challenge, but saved by some relaxing ambience and a dandelion awaiting a wish…

May 2nd, 2023: Seabirds enjoying the soft glow of sunlight, and a singing wren within the distance of an outstretched arm…

May 3rd, 2023: Above, photographic ambience of an early morning at Whaligoe Steps…

May 4th, 2023: Cloudy start to the day at Whaligoe Steps, breezy and overcast…

May 5th, 2023: Strong winds bring restless waves, while on land the presence of primrose is felt…

May 6th, 2023: Above, photographic evidence of nature’s foam party in the aftermath of the stormy day prior, plus some thrift offer solace with their gentle sway in the breeze…

May 7th, 2023: Plenty of rocky sculptures in this rustic setting, whilst the flora witnesses seabirds glide on air…

May 8th, 2023: A female eider duck paddles in the North Sea unaware of the drizzle which falls, while the broken anchor which dwells on a pebble shore remains stoic in this wet weather…

May 9th, 2023: More rain relents on this day, captured for posterity by the branches of a cotoneaster on Whaligoe Steps, plus the rocks on a pebble shore wear quite a striking sheen…

May 10th, 2023: This month has showcased the differing coats a dandelion wears, while elsewhere around the Whaligoe Steps you may stumble across cobwebs hosting baby spiders…

May 11th, 2023: Side view of the Bink which is the grassy/muddy platform at the base of the six zig-zagging flights of ‘Steps, plus another guise of the humble dandelion…

May 12th, 2023: Three wishes are waiting, plus a view looking to the North Sea from the Bink and including the salt house…

May 13th, 2023: Local feline presence, Star, eagerly watches a patch of grass, as further down Whaligoe Steps you’ll find a razorbill startled at the sudden flight of a resident shag…

May 14th, 2023: Guillemots enjoying the ambience of the North Sea, as a sailing boat soaks up the sea air…


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