Daily Challenge (Part 9)

It’s remarkable how time can seem to be passing slowly, but all of a sudden you realise that it’s been going much quicker. My challenge to go down and around the Whaligoe Steps each and every day from May the 1st, 2023, through to May the 1st, 2024 is still going strong.

This blog entry celebrates a third of my overall challenge (a full three hundred and sixty five days of taking photos down and around Whaligoe Steps) successfully achieved, as four months of consecutive exploring and documenting are now under my proverbial belt.

Within this blog entry, I share with you some highlights from the days covering August 21st, 2023 to the 3rd of September, 2023…

August 21st, 2023: Around this time of year, getting up early and tackling the descent down Whaligoe Steps can provide beautiful sunrise experiences. There are plenty of those which I’ve been fortunate enough to photograph and will be sharing with you. On this Monday, I came across Star roaming around in search of rodents and rabbits.

August 22nd, 2023: Wildflowers are getting a little scarce compared to earlier months around here, but I couldn’t help but capture a flurry of colour near the top of the Whaligoe Steps. In the other photograph below, the zig-zagging Whaligoe Steps eventually settle down on the Bink (grassy platform) where the old salt house still has a presence.

August 23rd, 2023: Wednesday morning had a complimentary sunrise glow. Wild rabbits hopped about and shadows lurked on the third flight of Whaligoe Steps.

August 24th, 2023: Mild and drizzly morning trek revealed the great black-backed gull and hints of wildflower presence amongst the grey.

August 25th, 2023: Liquid diamonds glint in and amongst the grass verges and foliage, whilst the curve from the second flight into the third of Whaligoe Steps shows off great stonemasonry from Charlie Juhlenski.

August 26th, 2023: Due to steady drizzle over the preceding days, the local waterfall here at Whaligoe Steps was generous indeed…

August 27th, 2023: I noticed a few boats out on the North Sea in late August, here’s an example as I witnessed a sailing boat majestically glide through the tides. On land, some rosebay willowherb dances in the breeze to a backdrop of yellow wildflowers.

August 28th, 2023: Rugged landscape captured by my camera during this Monday morning trek…

August 29th, 2023: An obligatory wild bunny skips as the cloud wraps a potential sunrise in a duvet cloud.

August 30th, 2023: Stunning sunrise was witnessed on this particular day. Had to include a photograph taken on the pebble shoreline of the broken anchor too. One of several signatures of a trade which used this wee bit of coastline as a port in previous times.

August 31st, 2023: Silhouettes softly swayed to the coastal winds as a sunrise lit up the surface of the North Sea in a glittering gold backdrop.

This photograph of the moon was taken in the morning of this day and was cause for excitement as there were two full moons in August, 2023. The first one arrived on August the 1st.

September 1st, 2023: Despite the savage wave of Avian flu which struck the seagull population badly at Whaligoe Steps, it’s been a treat to see seabirds still going about their daily business.

Another first for Whaligoe Eye, a sighting of a stoat along the jagged rock coastline was a real bonus. It moved very close to me as it explored amongst the scenery, but I was able to snap a photograph before it darted out of sight shortly afterwards.

September 2nd, 2023: From Whaligoe Steps, you can get a positive view of the North Sea. Occasionally, that means just over eight miles from the mainland you can see Beatrice off-shore wind farm. During my Saturday afternoon trek I witnessed more boat-themed activity as you can see below.

Looking south from the Whaligoe Steps area, curves and contours of the rugged coastline share an ambience.

September 3rd, 2023: Noticed a sensational sky around Whaligoe Steps during this specific Sunday afternoon trek. I was hoping to catch a sight of another stoat, but the skies can offer such beauty at times that I returned home still appreciating what nature offers.

So, another fortnight captured for posterity in my challenge to witness what Whaligoe Steps has to offer each and every day over three hundred and sixty five days. Beginning from May 1st, 2023 and hoping to reach May 1st, 2024, I hope to share another blog entry once my next fortnight is up.

As always, thank you for your kindness and generosity of time. Sharing these images and observations with you has been a revelation.

Take care, be safe and know I’m sending you positive wishes.

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye | Lybster | Facebook

EMAIL: WhaligoeEye@gmail.com

TWITTER (X): Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / X (twitter.com)

TWITTER (X) (Gary): Gary (@floodland08) / X (twitter.com)

Daily Challenge (Part 8)

This is another entry showcasing my attempt to go down and around Whaligoe Steps each and every day for three hundred and sixty five consecutive days, beginning from May 1st, 2023…

Below are a series of highlights photographed each and every day from Monday, August 7th, 2023 through to and including Sunday, August 20th, 2023. All are showcasing moments down and around Whaligoe Steps, located on the north eastern coastline of Scotland.

August 7th, 2023: I found myself not only taking photographs of natural highlights during my daily treks, but also as the traffic and infrastructure issues raised their head right outside my front door, it felt appropriate to document signs of a different sort. So you get on this Monday in 2023 the great black-backed gull and a Highland Council Ranger attending to some duties.

August 8th, 2023: On this Tuesday morning trek, looking down on some coastal rock and observing the beautiful colour of the North Sea. Also a photograph of the old Salt House which has had several purposes over the years, but now remains a reminder of different times when this wee port was full of industry thanks to the Herring Fisheries.

August 9th, 2023: A beautiful sunrise was most welcoming during this visit down and around Whaligoe Steps. During this particular fortnight, I recall seeing quite a few boats. Both sailing vessels and also fishing boats were utilising this stretch of the North Sea.

August 10th, 2023: With our feet back on terra firma, we walk down the 4th flight of ‘Steps out of the total of six flights. Always worth documenting the beautiful and wild flora in this location too, mayweed taking a last breath.

August 11th, 2023: Keeping the mayweed company amongst the grass verges and shrubbery have been a plentiful presence of new thistles. Despite the wren being absent or hidden from sight and sound during these recent treks, Star, the resident cat at Whaligoe Steps has been an entertaining companion. (Most of the time she doesn’t look this annoyed, but I think I was a distraction from her prowling for wild rabbits on this specific occasion!)

August 12th, 2023: Starved of the flowers I witnessed throughout the summer, I focussed my attention on these wee beauties.

August 13th, 2023: White-lipped snail on one of the Whaligoe Steps, plus a couple of wild bunnies skipping about amongst the tufts of grass.

August 14th, 2023: Sneaking an appearance below a band of cloud, the sun takes a look at the coastline across the North Sea. Star on the other hand, decides a bit later in the day to take a walk on the wild side…

August 15th, 2023: Post of seagull has already been filled by this feathered survivor, in what has been a sad presence of Avian flu impacting the seabird population here at Whaligoe Steps. A bird’s eye view of the Salt House and Bink adds some context to this sheltered and remarkable port.

August 16th, 2023: Views from around this location are plentiful. Coastline which provides jagged formations also weave their own narratives. Meanwhile, a fishing boat in the foreground adds height to the wind turbines of the off-shore wind farm called Beatrice.

August 17th, 2023: Visitor numbers over the past three or four months have been consistent and many. On this particular Thursday afternoon I mingled among some tourists and then noticed below me was a drone hovering just above a jellyfish! This was a first for me. Have you ever seen a jellyfish and a drone in the same photograph before? I think this is a Lion’s mane jellyfish.

The other photograph offers up some flora, gently swaying in a soft breeze on this afternoon trek.

August 18th, 2023: Another afternoon-based visit down and around Whaligoe Steps.

Depending where you get your facts, I found out the North Sea is around six hundred miles long and three hundred sixty miles wide. It is also considered the coldest sea in the world with average temperatures of about six degrees Celsius during the winter, and seventeen degrees Celsius in the summer.

August 19th, 2023: Rose-Bay Willow Herb is abundant at the base of the landfall, which can be found tucked away in a corner between the pebble shore and the Bink.

A view of the North Sea disappearing into the yonder from the pebble shoreline.

August 20th, 2023: Below is another wild rabbit. It was fascinating watching it stretch for a tasty bit of vegetation.

A sunrise captured for posterity. There are more of these to come which I’m excited to share in my next blog entry.

Thank you for the well wishes from both the online poetry community and also those who follow Whaligoe Eye via social media platforms. Your kindness, concerns and general interaction are appreciated and welcome.

I’ll leave you with this lovely photo taken of the wren during an early morning trek during Sunday, August 13th, 2023.

Take care, stay safe and thank you for being You.

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye | Lybster | Facebook

TWITTER (X): https://twitter.com/WhaligoeEye

TWITTER (X): Gary (@floodland08) / X (twitter.com)

EMAIL: WhaligoeEye@gmail.com

New Challenge (Part 1)

Not someone who would shy away from a challenge (within reason), I have been pondering over whether it would be possible to tackle a trek down Whaligoe Steps every day for one year. Capturing whatever I witness on each of those visits via my trusty camera for posterity. My challenge began after some preparation on May 1st, 2023.

So as this challenge evolves, I’ll share with you a couple of photographs from each day to give you an idea what a wonder this whole idea should result in. Imagine a 365 day tour of the Whaligoe Steps?!

This is the first blog to share some photographs and observations during the first fortnight…

May 1st, 2023: Drizzly start to my challenge, but saved by some relaxing ambience and a dandelion awaiting a wish…

May 2nd, 2023: Seabirds enjoying the soft glow of sunlight, and a singing wren within the distance of an outstretched arm…

May 3rd, 2023: Above, photographic ambience of an early morning at Whaligoe Steps…

May 4th, 2023: Cloudy start to the day at Whaligoe Steps, breezy and overcast…

May 5th, 2023: Strong winds bring restless waves, while on land the presence of primrose is felt…

May 6th, 2023: Above, photographic evidence of nature’s foam party in the aftermath of the stormy day prior, plus some thrift offer solace with their gentle sway in the breeze…

May 7th, 2023: Plenty of rocky sculptures in this rustic setting, whilst the flora witnesses seabirds glide on air…

May 8th, 2023: A female eider duck paddles in the North Sea unaware of the drizzle which falls, while the broken anchor which dwells on a pebble shore remains stoic in this wet weather…

May 9th, 2023: More rain relents on this day, captured for posterity by the branches of a cotoneaster on Whaligoe Steps, plus the rocks on a pebble shore wear quite a striking sheen…

May 10th, 2023: This month has showcased the differing coats a dandelion wears, while elsewhere around the Whaligoe Steps you may stumble across cobwebs hosting baby spiders…

May 11th, 2023: Side view of the Bink which is the grassy/muddy platform at the base of the six zig-zagging flights of ‘Steps, plus another guise of the humble dandelion…

May 12th, 2023: Three wishes are waiting, plus a view looking to the North Sea from the Bink and including the salt house…

May 13th, 2023: Local feline presence, Star, eagerly watches a patch of grass, as further down Whaligoe Steps you’ll find a razorbill startled at the sudden flight of a resident shag…

May 14th, 2023: Guillemots enjoying the ambience of the North Sea, as a sailing boat soaks up the sea air…


FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye | Lybster | Facebook

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

TWITTER (Gary): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

YOUTUBE: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube

EMAIL: WhaligoeEye@gmail.com