Metal Orchids Bathed in Gold

My imagination is running rife since setting up a Twitter account and finding many likeminded creative souls. At the time of assembling my thoughts with this blog post, my @floodland08 account has around 340 followers of varying backgrounds. Each and every one is an individual with an identity unique to them, and each individual has their own level of sensitivity, life experience and perspective on what unfolds around them.

Thank you so much for taking the time to follow a guy who likes to daydream, likes to think, likes to express and likes to share what he likes. You have made an individual living on a remote part of the northern Scottish coastline very happy by spending a second to click ‘Follow’.

My creativity has identified something this very morning and through a lens of art-driven narrative, describes the sight as “Metal Orchids Bathed in Gold”

Photographs taken on Oct. 4th, 2021

Energy is a ‘hot’ topic right now for so many reasons. The engineering behind such a challenge is also worthy of respect and recognition. Welcome to the north sea and a distant wind farm situated within view from the Whaligoe Steps.

This offshore wind farm is located approximately thirteen kilometres from the Caithness coastline, and goes by the name of Beatrice. In June, 2019, after seven years of development and three years of actual construction, Beatrice is operated and maintained from its base at Wick Harbour. ​Consisting of eighty-four wind turbines, this offshore entity is capable of providing enough wind powered electricity for up to four hundred and fifty thousand homes!

These wind turbines are mighty in size and power. They stand proud on the horizon when you look out from the bink at the base of the Whaligoe Steps looking out across the north sea. They may be bothersome to some, but they are also fully functional and providing invaluable energy to the grid which supplies many homes with electricity.

It is a feat which is currently recognised as the second largest wind farm in Scotland.

The sunrise which beckoned me down the Whaligoe Steps on this morning provided me with a new perspective on these amazing metallic structures, and once again I sincerely thank the Steps for inviting such breath taking views. A fine example of nature and technology merging to create a vision of synergy.

Welcome to the Beatrice offshore wind farm. Welcome to “Metal Orchids Bathed in Gold”

Sunrise, 4th of October, 2021