New Challenge (Part 3)

Since the 1st of May, 2023, I decided I was going to capture images for a daily visit down Whaligoe Steps over a whole year. That’s the equivalent of around 365 visits or more. Thus far, I’m still on target to reach this ambitious goal.

There have been two previous blog entries which showcase some highlighted photographic moments which you can visit by clicking on these two links: New Challenge (Part 1) – Whaligoe Eye and New Challenge (Part 2) – Whaligoe Eye

This next blog entry reveals some highlights selected for May 29th, 2023 and every consecutive day until June 11th, 2023… Nature in all of it’s proverbial glory, rain or shine!

May 29th, 2023: Sunny morning stroll down Whaligoe Steps, met a lovely Canadian couple who made a new friend of Star (the resident cat). During my relaxing expedition I saw a glimpse of a grey seal, in and among soaking up the ambience.

May 30th, 2023: Seabirds were active during this Tuesday morning. The photo above shows a triple dose of male eider ducks mingling with a shag and a great black-backed gull. As I captured the moment of social interaction, behind me was an angle of the shallow cave from a lower location than is usually observed. The pebble shores in this instance are submerged beneath the surface of the North Sea.

May 31st, 2023: Rock pipit on one of the remaining walls still standing for the old salt house on the Bink. I thought I’d share the other photo as it has a puffin hanging out with guillemots as they all go swimming. There’s a wee colony of puffins not far from Whaligoe Steps, and occasionally one is sighted within this inlet.

June 1st, 2023: Above are photos of some striking thrift which is abundant at the moment, plus on this particular trek down Whaligoe Steps, a sighting of two boats passing each other on the North Sea. Due to the calmer waters at this time of year, I’ve observed a lot more traffic using this picturesque stretch of sea.

June 2nd, 2023: Charlie Juhlenski, the Stonemason who worked on the restoration of the first three flights of Whaligoe Steps in recent years, has set up a touching tribute to his Mother Etta. This can be found located at the top of Whaligoe Steps. Next to the plaque is an authentic example of Caithness slab stone which has scribed in yellow chalk – “In 1792, the Steps were built. 230 years old”.

June 3rd, 2023: Razorbill dancing in the North Sea, while a little later during some birdwatching I noticed an oystercatcher exploring some rock.

June 4th, 2023: A dandelion attracts some curious flies, oblivious to the crowd of guillemots which hustle and bustle along some coastal rock at Whaligoe Steps.

June 5th, 2023: The sea during my trek on Monday was so clear and so still, it was beautiful. In my other photo, a close up of mayweed doing an impression of the Three Tenors.

June 6th, 2023: Abundant Cow parsley crowds some thrift. Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) enjoying moments of sun, I bet they have quite a view too!

June 7th, 2023: A ‘Cirrocumulus’ cloud formation greeted me on my trek providing quite a beautiful sky. Visibility of Beatrice offshore wind farm was good for a few days, and I took a photo of a seabird between wind turbines. There are eighty-four wind turbines which are just over eight miles from the Caithness coastline. It became operational back in 2019.

June 8th, 2023: Don’t tell anyone, but I have a wishlist of natural wonders I would love to catch in a photograph. Since beginning this challenge, I’ve already exceeded expectations with a photo of a local deer, an otter and now resident bunnies!

Before I fully descended Whaligoe Steps on this particular morning, my periphery was drawn to a white splodge which caught the bright sunshine. It became apparent that this was no seagull, but a rabbit going about it’s business! I believe it’s being sociable with a jackdaw whilst the other photo showcases a more predictable rabbit image which was situated further along the top of the cliff edge.

June 9th, 2023: There used to be more than one boat winch at the base of Whaligoe Steps, but if you visit at the time of this blog entry you’ll only see one. Birdwatching and identifying has taken me on quite a learning journey which I’m thankful for. The photo above is of a pied wagtail.

June 10th, 2023: Black headed gull flies in the beautiful azure skies, while on the ground a razorbill ponders over the magic of sunbathing.

June 11th, 2023: Some beautiful wildflowers to finish this blog entry. During my Sunday afternoon trek, I observed pink campion being radiant despite overcast skies. Meanwhile, a wild rose graces the verge of the zig-zagging Whaligoe Steps…

Keeping my fingers crossed, I hope to be sharing another fortnight with you at some point as I continue my challenge to capture images of nature and events here at Whaligoe Steps each day for a whole year.

Thank you again to those who stop and talk to me, it’s always appreciated and enjoyable.

I’ll keep updating the ‘Postcards’ section as and when I get photographs of visitors. Thank you to those who are happy to share in the moment, it’s appreciated and really communicates a memory.

Until next time, take care and safe travels…

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye | Lybster | Facebook

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

TWITTER (Gary): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

YOUTUBE: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube


( Summer is getting closer, photograph of the garden during the afternoon of June 11th, 2023…)

Metal Orchids Bathed in Gold

My imagination is running rife since setting up a Twitter account and finding many likeminded creative souls. At the time of assembling my thoughts with this blog post, my @floodland08 account has around 340 followers of varying backgrounds. Each and every one is an individual with an identity unique to them, and each individual has their own level of sensitivity, life experience and perspective on what unfolds around them.

Thank you so much for taking the time to follow a guy who likes to daydream, likes to think, likes to express and likes to share what he likes. You have made an individual living on a remote part of the northern Scottish coastline very happy by spending a second to click ‘Follow’.

My creativity has identified something this very morning and through a lens of art-driven narrative, describes the sight as “Metal Orchids Bathed in Gold”

Photographs taken on Oct. 4th, 2021

Energy is a ‘hot’ topic right now for so many reasons. The engineering behind such a challenge is also worthy of respect and recognition. Welcome to the north sea and a distant wind farm situated within view from the Whaligoe Steps.

This offshore wind farm is located approximately thirteen kilometres from the Caithness coastline, and goes by the name of Beatrice. In June, 2019, after seven years of development and three years of actual construction, Beatrice is operated and maintained from its base at Wick Harbour. ​Consisting of eighty-four wind turbines, this offshore entity is capable of providing enough wind powered electricity for up to four hundred and fifty thousand homes!

These wind turbines are mighty in size and power. They stand proud on the horizon when you look out from the bink at the base of the Whaligoe Steps looking out across the north sea. They may be bothersome to some, but they are also fully functional and providing invaluable energy to the grid which supplies many homes with electricity.

It is a feat which is currently recognised as the second largest wind farm in Scotland.

The sunrise which beckoned me down the Whaligoe Steps on this morning provided me with a new perspective on these amazing metallic structures, and once again I sincerely thank the Steps for inviting such breath taking views. A fine example of nature and technology merging to create a vision of synergy.

Welcome to the Beatrice offshore wind farm. Welcome to “Metal Orchids Bathed in Gold”

Sunrise, 4th of October, 2021