June, 2022

June 1st, 2022…

So June has arrived rather quickly, or is it just me?! With the presence of this month comes a wealth of activity which I shall share with your good self. Pull up a seat and make yourself ready with cosy attire and a warm beverage of your choice as I divulge the latest…

The above photos were all taken on the 1st of June, 2022 when I descended the Whaligoe Steps in the early hours. There were several reasons for my trek.

Firstly, the Stonemason is working on the Whaligoe Steps during the next six weeks or so. This maintenance is a continuation of Charlie’s valiant work last year.

The photos show you hessian sacks which are cut and shaped to make a covering for specific sections of the steps. There were two examples of this at the time I was present. The Stonemason explained that lime was used at this stage of the proceedings which can be hazardous or an issue to people and pets. With this in mind, please be aware that if and when you visit this attraction, that you need to make yourself aware of potential hazards. Please be safe.

This sign is located at the top of the Whaligoe Steps and has been there for several years…

Secondly, a fun month of wildlife and nature appreciation and education unfolds which everyone and anyone is welcome to participate in. Known simply as “30 Days Wild” and promoted by The Wildlife Trusts | The Wildlife Trusts and Scottish Wildlife Trust – Protecting and restoring Scotland’s wildlife it sets out an activity for every day of this month. So with the arrival of June and located on the coastline as Whaligoe Steps is, you can imagine the natural scope for surprises and discoveries!

Last year I succeeded in participating for about two weeks before I started a new job and had to cease my natural pursuits. During that fortnight, each and every day provided educational insights and bug bites! I filmed a clip of a young deer (which frustratingly I cannot lay my hands on right now) which was an amazing moment I will always treasure. So, with 2022 turning into an interesting year, I’m sharing each day via social media if you’re interested.

I would like to have a document on this website as it is themed around this location, so will work out a way to showcase photographs and video clips as the material gathers momentum.

Here is day one for you to process. The idea was to celebrate nature with a ‘wild breakfast’ experience. Photographs of my toast and marmalade with a coffee at various points dotted around Whaligoe Steps.

Only another twenty-nine days to go, wish me luck!

Don’t forget that anyone is welcome to join in, keep an eye if you’re interested with both Scottish Wildlife Trust – Protecting and restoring Scotland’s wildlife and The Wildlife Trusts | The Wildlife Trusts

June 1st, 2022…

Thank you for your time as always, take care and stay safe.

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

EMAIL: WhaligoeEye@gmail.com

My personal TWITTER account (Gary): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

YouTube: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube


I was speaking to the Stonemason working on the current maintenance of the Whaligoe Steps yesterday who was setting out another sign… This post is a document of what is happening at this moment in time.

Sign put up on the 22nd of August, 2021

Charlie explained that he hopes this request will be for the duration of about two weeks, where visitors who wish to walk their dogs down the Whaligoe Steps after that time will be good to go.

Maintenance continues…
Maintenance continues…

Just a reminder to those who are planning on visiting the Whaligoe Steps that you need to be aware these maintenance examples are ongoing. This is is not the first time such activities have been undertaken here.

I have begun compiling some content over the last two days so far which is going to take some time and is all about the Whaligoe Steps. My particular choice of understanding concerning the story of these steps has taken me back to 1660. If events at this moment in history had not taken place, then you and I would not be seeing such an engineering feat, or for that matter some of the views and sights which have been photographed in abundance over the years.

As always, thank you for taking the time to check out this blogging website and remember to take care and be safe.