First Anniversary…


“Thank you” is the obvious place to start after battling illness in recent weeks, and receiving some welcome kind wishes and sentiment on a return to action. “Thank you” is also for the generosity of time you share when reading the blogs, visiting the social media platforms, signing up to a newsletter, participating in the ‘Postcards’ section of this humble website, and for being You.

I had low expectations when I began this venture in August, last year, due to the life we all find ourselves living. We’re all too busy to be looking at nature themed photography, or reading about community developments, or learning bits of history. But here we are, twelve months in to something which is named “Whaligoe Eye”.

August 23rd, 2022…

On August 1st, 2022, I posted a blog which contained general updates on various points of interest taking place here around Whaligoe Steps. Watch Your Step… – Whaligoe Eye

One specific aspect in that blog entry regarding the state of the single access lane to the residential carpark and the carpark itself was raised with examples of pot-holes. For those who are interested, the pot-holes have been filled in by the Highland Council. I was reliably informed that the Council Ranger was the individual who took care of these. Many thanks. Here are some photos…

Remaining in theme that this blog entry is a celebration of twelve months deciphering the ownership and maintenance, uploading and use of a website in conjunction with learning about nature and a whole host of other elements which go in to this project, it is also a chance to recognise the Highland Council have stepped up to provide a yellow grit bin for icy conditions (located in the residential carpark), a rubbish bin for the litter situation (also located at the residential carpark) and have now filled in pot-holes. So “Thank you” to all who had a part to play in these welcome additions to the Whaligoe Steps area.

Reflecting over this first year which has really flown by like a seagull swooping in the air, there have been some beautiful natural moments documented and captured. Here’s a shameless gallery for your perusal.

There was a prize giveaway late last year which was fun and a newsletter subscriber was selected at random and received this in the post.

Well, the good news is that it’s happening again! I am currently preparing prizes and if you’re an individual who signed up to receive a newsletter or if you’re a follower on Facebook, then keep your eyes peeled over the next few weeks as developments take place for a celebratory freebie giveaway.

Going to share a gallery of wildflowers which I photographed over recent months around Whaligoe Steps.

Over the past year since Whaligoe Eye began, I’ve slowly been adding content to the ‘Postcards’ section where visitors are kind enough to have their photograph taken during a visit to Whaligoe Steps;

the ‘Nature’ section is constantly being updated with new images (which reminds me, I have plenty of new ones to add!);

there’s been blogs about congestion and highlighting the situation of an unsuitable infrastructure here for visitors and residents alike;

a prize giveaway; coverage of a seal puppy encounter;

updates on traffic incidents; updates about an animal rescue attempt; updates on stonemasonry on the first three flights of Whaligoe Steps thanks to Charles Juhlenski;

Stonemason, Charles Juhlenski

coverage throughout June of my ’30 Days Wild’ (an initiative inspired by the Wildlife Trust in understanding and appreciation of our natural world); a little hint of the wealth of historical content (much more to come!); plus on social media some frivolity with Easter, Halloween and Christmas…

All going well, I’m buckling up for the next twelve months to continue posting blogs, adding images to ‘Postcards’ and ‘Nature’ plus making a concerted effort to get this historical content I’ve been researching and reading, to you in some form via

The issue thankfully is not having the lack of content to share, it is merely juggling the time and resources to share it with you. A blessing in disguise.

The learning curve never ends.

Take care for now, stay safe and sending you positive wishes.

August 20th, 2022…

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

YOUTUBE: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube

TWITTER (Personal account): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter


Watch Your Step…

August 1st, 2022…

This blog entry was going to share some history themed content as two overflowing and interesting collections of information lay in the wings. Instead, visitor numbers and developments of one sort or another have been taking place.

I’m always learning as I keep telling you, and despite hearing nothing from the head of the local Highland Council, Raymond Bremner or any other Council ward representatives for that matter, I did find myself speaking with the local Highland Council Ranger/Warden today. He’s called Derek and to state the obvious, the guy has a lot on his plate!

During the tourist themed online meeting the Council held on September 29th, 2021, they were complimenting themselves about the introduction of their Rangers who were speaking to the respective local communities and gathering data. It has taken several months, but contact has now been made with the Ranger Derek who seemed in the dark over several issues. Fingers crossed that further communications may continue and some steps are taken as a result.

The reason the Ranger and I were talking to each other, came about due to a visitor to Whaligoe Steps falling in a hole where degradation is evident. I witnessed a similar stumble a few weeks prior, but with nobody returning my communications at the Highland Council, I was not able to progress any enquiries before this recent incident.

These examples of pot-holes and degradation of infrastructure are just part of the issues which are witnessed by those who visit and live in this neighbourhood. Congestion on a fairly regular basis, my close encounter of nearly being run over ( Student of Life (Part 2) – Whaligoe Eye ), vehicle and property damage due to the inadequate parking facilities here, etc.

The photo where you see a red cone is the point where more than one visitor has fallen, so please be aware when walking from the residential car parking area down to the Whaligoe Steps.

Let’s have some wildflowers now as they look stunning at this time of year here around Whaligoe Steps…

Whilst taking photographs of the wildlife around Whaligoe Steps, I zoomed in on a large seagull and found out to my dismay that it had a yellow tag wrapped around the left ankle.

Great black-backed gull…

After some valiant research, I found out how many seabirds were being tagged and surveys conducted by some interested organisations. The British Trust for Ornithology were the first point of contact and sent back some data regarding this specific seagull.

It was initially tagged back in June, 2011, in Badbea, Berriedale. Nearly nine months later it was sighted in Lowestoft Harbour, Suffolk!! Then after a few months we find ourselves in Helmsdale in 2014, sightings taking place around the harbour area.

Jump forwards to 2016, and a sighting placed the great black-backed gull in Albion Landfill, Albert Village in Leicestershire!

It’s a well travelled seagull.

Doing some further research about this type of gull, it’s the largest of it’s kind in the world. Great Black Backed Gull Facts | Larus Marinus – The RSPB

Local Scottish SPCA Inspector…

On July 18th, the stonemason heard in the early hours of the morning a tremendous crash as a significant sized object made contact with the north sea. Not necessarily unusual as rocks and debris fall from the overhanging cliffs.

Photograph taken from the Bink of the cliffs…

But this sound was something different and after closer investigation, a deer was sighted surviving the 250 foot fall and somehow scrambling to the safety of the shallow cave on the pebble shoreline.

The Scottish SPCA Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals | SSPCA ( were in attendance with some useful and informative feedback and insight, a great service for anyone who encounters animal-related issues and requires further support.

After a valiant attempt at rescue and assessment, the deer was nowhere to be found. There were hopes that through adrenaline and the fact only one exit and access point down to the Bink were available, that the deer had found a way out. It was spotted by a boat tour on the coastline and it is thought the deer made an escape later during that same day.

July 22nd, 2022…

There is a memorial located at the top of the Whaligoe Steps which is dedicated to Etta Juhle.

Memorial to Etta Juhle…

This local lady cared for the Whaligoe Steps for many years and was fondly thought of by many. In the winter of 1975, she cleared away a large landslide using a shovel and a bucket from a fireside companion set throughout the entire season.

Etta’s son Charlie is the stonemason who has been single-handedly restoring the steps and has been mentioned previously in earlier blogs, and has given Whaligoe Eye a peek at a wonderful new plaque which can be found on the bend where the second flight meets the third as you descend.

With the continued sterling and professional workmanship on display, this addition really is stunning. It is still worth noting that three flights of the steps are getting slowly but surely in a state of disrepair and should be approach with caution.

As well as the danger of falling rocks/debris from higher ground, the steps themselves are a little cumbersome in places, so please be aware of this if you’re planning a visit.

Charlie very kindly shared some photographs of the state in which Whaligoe Steps was in a few years ago, and the remarkable transformation in recent times is quite something to behold. More on this subject in later blog entries.


With those updates dusted off and shared, I hope as always this blog finds you safe and well. As visitors and wildlife enthusiasts of all interests converge on this area, I too intend on keeping my eye out for further unfolding developments and observations worthy of your time. There will be blogs about the history too! After all, we are going back over several centuries to the first mention…

History – Whaligoe Eye

Star the cat, having a well deserved stretch…

Take care and know I’m sending you positive wishes only always. Until the next time, thank you for your continued interest and support. If social media is anything to go by, you are enjoying the content whether it be natural, historic or political.

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

TWITTER (Personal account): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

YOUTUBE: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube


Student of Life (Part 2)

July 12th, 2022…

As I assemble the material for this latest blog, it is the early morn’ of July 13th, 2022. I’m in a reflective mood pondering over how much has happened in such a short duration, plus how much I have learned about myself and about our society. Elements which impact this wee community are culturally different in so many ways to other locations around the globe for a plethora of reasons. The ways in which improvements and safety are implemented for those who are relevant can be such a slow and frustrating process as a specific example. Maybe you’re in a similar position within your own cultural and socially constructed system?

This is a handy link to a ‘recap’ I compiled for a previous blog if you have the time and interest. Recap!… – Whaligoe Eye

Image showcasing some social media coverage from 2021…

Now to focus on what this blog is about…

Yesterday at around 3pm-ish, it became apparent that another car-related incident had unfolded to the obvious distress and disappointment of those present. Out of respect for the people involved and for the nature of such things, I’ve selected photographs which provide an ambience in the aftermath.

With a Highland Council van in attendance (photograph to your left as you look at the three images above), it simply informs us that they had a presence and therefore are aware of another vehicle-related incident taking place at this location. The Highland Council are responsible for maintaining and providing a system and service which accommodates the needs of a community and in this instance, the visitors who travel here from around the globe. Individuals of the community pay tax and have a legal right to at the very least, a suitable infrastructure and a safe environment for all concerned.

This link takes you to the homepage for the Highland Council online presence – The Highland Council Homepage

I understand that it’s easy to be frustrated with their seeming lack of action in addressing the Whaligoe Steps lack of facilities. I also take into account the Highland Council do so much and have their proverbial fingers in so many pies, that it’s a truly intimidating task and certainly unfair to simply criticise them for oversights or slow responses. Assessments and reviews, legal obligations, logistical challenges, and so much else take place when the Highland Council need to address a situation.

July 13th, 2022…

The above photograph was taken mere moments before I began to tackle this blog entry. It is a boring but vital piece of the puzzle which the Highland Council will be researching. This is the access to the residential car park located here at the location of Whaligoe Steps.

July 13th, 2022…

The residential car park here this morning… Note: A rather ugly looking pot-hole in the centre of this area.

July 13th, 2022…

In the name of transparency with what Whaligoe Eye has witnessed around the Whaligoe Steps location, this year thus far has NOT been as hectic as previous years. Important to state this, but there have still been busy times where congestion HAS taken place, and the logistical nightmare which befalls road-users has brought about frustration and minor incidents.

So this blog which continues to raise relevant issues is not an attack on the powers-that-be. It is simply commentating about ongoing and anxious times. If all goes to plan, I wish to tackle mental health topics in a future blog. (Incidentally, thank you so much for those who have made contact about such health-related matters, it means a lot and I’m appreciative of the support).

On June 3rd, 2022, I heard some commotion outside my front door and thoughtlessly ventured out onto the path to observe, the path which is for pedestrians/residents running adjacent to the row of bungalows here. I’m not sure how to articulate this without it sounding sensational, but I was simply close to being knocked down by a car which had mounted the kerb.

It was my first personal experience of nearly being run over since moving here over twenty years ago. Other residents have shared their experiences with near-misses since the increase in traffic, but the community still awaits any progress for infrastructure improvements.

Raymond Bremner, leader of the Council (Caithness Committee, etc…)

I went to Wick police station to report my near-miss and due to the surprising nature of the incident, couldn’t offer much insight apart from the shade of car which nearly hit me and how the only injury I sustained was probably my pride. Stumbling backwards into my doorway thankfully saved me I believe.

The lady behind the transparent plastic shield in the police station advised me to reach out to a local Councillor called Raymond Bremner. Councillor Raymond Bremner | 03 Wick and East Caithness Ward | Scottish National Party Party | The Highland Council

My email (dated June 4th, 2022) explained that I had originally communicated concerns back in September 1st, 2021, but had received no reply. I expressed a feeling of “Perceived apathy” and hoped to hear from someone this time around, even as a common courtesy.

This was over a month ago as I assemble this blog for you, and here is the reply I received…

July 13th, 2022…

I wish to reiterate how I am trying to make this blog entry as objective as I can. As a resident here at the top of Whaligoe Steps, merely trying to go about my law-abiding pursuits, to be hindered and anxious to an increasing degree feels unjust and somewhat confusing.

The local newspaper ( John O’Groat Journal – read the latest News and Sport ( published an article I saw on June 10th, which shows Councillor Bremner in a questionable light: Council leader Raymond Bremner rubbishes the claims the leadership has forgotten rural areas after dispute breaks out over appointing CHAT boss Councillor Ron Gunn to the NHS Highland Board (

When reflecting over the above article, with respects of feeling uninformed and baffled as to the lack of obvious progress here at Whaligoe Steps, I’m naturally of the mind there is merit to the journalistic coverage.

Nevertheless, as long as I face a blank wall which seems satisfied to sit in absolute silence and not communicate with me, but rely (perhaps) on other resources to inform me what is going on with the environment in which I live, I’ll continue to compose blogs of this subject matter and share with you accordingly.

Let’s have a beautiful photograph of a family of seagulls I took recently…

July 12th, 2022…

Thank you for being so kind supporting the Twitter and Facebook accounts, also for subscribing to the newsletter. The increasing awareness and interest in Whaligoe Eye, my poetry and the coverage of all things regarding Whaligoe Steps has been a revelation.


There are two history-themed blogs in the wings which have been meticulously researched, something special coming about Charlie Juhlenski (the Stonemason), plus many other blogs covering life around Whaligoe Steps.

Take care, stay safe and here’s a photograph of a faint moon above Whaligoe Steps, taken on the evening of July 8th, 2022…

July 8th, 2022…

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

TWITTER (Personal account): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

YOUTUBE: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube


30 Days Wild ’22 (June 21st – June 30th)

June 21st…

This is my third blog documenting highlights and outlining what was achieved around Whaligoe Steps, and in some isolated instances, further afield in the county of Caithness, during a The Wildlife Trusts | The Wildlife Trusts initiative called ’30 Days Wild’.

Since 2015, the Wildlife Trust has inspired individuals of all walks of life to appreciate and understand better the natural world which surrounds them.



DAY 23: FOREST WALK… (welcome to Dunnet Forest)


DAY 25: WILDLIFE TRUST LIVE STREAMS… (Webcams | The Wildlife Trusts)



Eider duckling…




Morning has broken…

Evening Descends…

So many highlights and revelations were taken from this thirty day duration of wildlife observation and study. There were moments of creativity like the stone painting and a little poetry. Times of celebrating specific wildlife or in the case of literature, celebrating the writings of author John Horne.

Expectations were dashed and simultaneously exceeded when no sighting of an orca during a tour of the north sea coastline took place, but yet despite not seeing deer during the ‘wild camp out’ a sighting was made several days later. The photo of a gannet (Morus bassanus) above on the very last trek down the Whaligoe Steps was a real gift, as were the images captured of butterflies from the garden here.

Snails were abundant one soggy morning eclipsing all other wildlife, as white-lipped snails danced in slow-motion on the prominent flora. Initial ideas for that specific day were sidelined as I photographed the snails moving about all around me.

Plenty of captured memories which give me a lot of pleasure in sharing with you. If you’ve visited this location before at Whaligoe Steps, maybe it’ll be of interest. On the other hand, if you simply enjoy viewing wildlife images including birdlife, wildflowers, the sea or even the skies, then I hope this blog entry with the previous two give you something of interest.

LINK to 30 Days Wild ’22 (June 1st – June 10th) 30 Days Wild ’22 (June 1st – June 10th) – Whaligoe Eye

LINK to 30 Days Wild ’22 (June 11th – June 20th) 30 Days Wild ’22 (June 11th – June 20th) – Whaligoe Eye

Locations during this month of natural appreciation ended up with most love landing at the door of Whaligoe Steps obviously, but you’ll also note the north coastline boat trip I took around the John O’Groats area, Dunnet Forest for some alternative terrain, two local gardens to the Whaligoe Steps and the recognition to the Wildlife Trust streaming section of their official website. This is where I tipped my hat to Norfolk (water voles) and ‘Scotland’ (Peregrine falcons).

Thank you only always for your time and interest, time for me to set sail again…

Stay safe and take care.

Evening of June 30th…

TWITTER (@WhaligoeEye): Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

TWITTER (My personal account: @Floodland08): Gary – Busy times! ✌😯 (@floodland08) / Twitter

YOUTUBE: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube


30 Days Wild ’22 (June 11th – June 20th)

June 18th, 2022…

This is my second blog regarding my humble attempt at following the inspiration of ’30 Days Wild’. Each day of June it’s all about appreciating and understanding more about Mother Nature, an initiative started back in 2015 by The Wildlife Trusts | The Wildlife Trusts.

Documenting each day from June 11th to June 20th, this second blog will showcase everything from going orca spotting in the north sea, to signing an online Wildlife Trust approved petition.


June 11th, 2022…




June 14th, picnic on the Bink…





From the Wildlife Trust poster included in their ’30 Days Wild’ pack…


Hoping for a sighting of an orca, but sadly no luck this time…


June 20th: My reading of a portion of page 11, ‘A Canny Countryside’ by John Horne…

I own a 2nd edition of ‘A Canny Countryside’ which was written by John Horne and features wonderful articulated descriptions of this local area, including the Whaligoe Steps. (Published in 1902, Oliphant Anderson and Ferrier, Edinburgh and London).

June 20th, Whaligoe Steps…

Thank you only always for your time and I hope you have enjoyed the wildlife so far. One more blog which will summarise ’30 Days Wild’ for June 21st to June 30th is to follow, plus a blog about the residential car parking and my near-miss as a car nearly ran me over on the pavement outside my front door!

Until next time, take care and thank you again.

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

TWITTER (Gary’s personal account): Gary – Busy times! ✌😯 (@floodland08) / Twitter

YOUTUBE: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube


June, 2022

June 1st, 2022…

So June has arrived rather quickly, or is it just me?! With the presence of this month comes a wealth of activity which I shall share with your good self. Pull up a seat and make yourself ready with cosy attire and a warm beverage of your choice as I divulge the latest…

The above photos were all taken on the 1st of June, 2022 when I descended the Whaligoe Steps in the early hours. There were several reasons for my trek.

Firstly, the Stonemason is working on the Whaligoe Steps during the next six weeks or so. This maintenance is a continuation of Charlie’s valiant work last year.

The photos show you hessian sacks which are cut and shaped to make a covering for specific sections of the steps. There were two examples of this at the time I was present. The Stonemason explained that lime was used at this stage of the proceedings which can be hazardous or an issue to people and pets. With this in mind, please be aware that if and when you visit this attraction, that you need to make yourself aware of potential hazards. Please be safe.

This sign is located at the top of the Whaligoe Steps and has been there for several years…

Secondly, a fun month of wildlife and nature appreciation and education unfolds which everyone and anyone is welcome to participate in. Known simply as “30 Days Wild” and promoted by The Wildlife Trusts | The Wildlife Trusts and Scottish Wildlife Trust – Protecting and restoring Scotland’s wildlife it sets out an activity for every day of this month. So with the arrival of June and located on the coastline as Whaligoe Steps is, you can imagine the natural scope for surprises and discoveries!

Last year I succeeded in participating for about two weeks before I started a new job and had to cease my natural pursuits. During that fortnight, each and every day provided educational insights and bug bites! I filmed a clip of a young deer (which frustratingly I cannot lay my hands on right now) which was an amazing moment I will always treasure. So, with 2022 turning into an interesting year, I’m sharing each day via social media if you’re interested.

I would like to have a document on this website as it is themed around this location, so will work out a way to showcase photographs and video clips as the material gathers momentum.

Here is day one for you to process. The idea was to celebrate nature with a ‘wild breakfast’ experience. Photographs of my toast and marmalade with a coffee at various points dotted around Whaligoe Steps.

Only another twenty-nine days to go, wish me luck!

Don’t forget that anyone is welcome to join in, keep an eye if you’re interested with both Scottish Wildlife Trust – Protecting and restoring Scotland’s wildlife and The Wildlife Trusts | The Wildlife Trusts

June 1st, 2022…

Thank you for your time as always, take care and stay safe.

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook


My personal TWITTER account (Gary): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

YouTube: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube

May Spring Keep Smiling…

Thanks for dropping by, it’s been a wee while since the last blog. Many reasons for the lack of updates which include a little bout of ill health, poetry pursuits (including my first ever fully published poem), job obligations, researching a lot of things (two historical themed blogs are in the drafts folder for future publishing here), plus the local Highland Council announcing proposed plans for various tourist-orientated locations in this neck of the woods. Whaligoe Steps was referenced in conjunction with updating facilities, parking, etc. which could start as hopefully as next year (2023). I’ll keep you posted if and when I hear anything further.

Not considered a priority, but at least identified as requiring attention…

The screenshot above shows that Whaligoe Steps isn’t being considered a priority frustratingly, but it does prove the local Highland Council are at the very least considering some improvements to the area. As you may recall there is only one access point to a residential car park here, and with the large number of visitors following what has turned into a lucrative tourist trail called the ‘North Coast 500’ (NC500), there is often congestion, delays, minor vehicle prangs. On one occasion a local resident experienced property damage when their outer wall was knocked down by a campervan.

Any service which requires access is impacted at certain times, whether that be medical or delivery-based. Today, if I wished to park in or to depart from my allocated parking space, I would have been unable to do so due to visitor related obstruction.

Sunny day in April, 2022… Parked here at Whaligoe Steps in the residential car park.

Since the beginning of April, this year, the numbers of visitors have increased. As of today (2nd May, 2022), the traffic has significantly risen. The photo above shows an authentic U.S. school bus which parked at the residential car park, not what we normally witness. The varied types of vehicle which visit the area mostly include traditional cars, campervans, motorbikes and then the odd sighting of classic cars or sports cars. It was a pleasant surprise to capture the image of a U.S. yellow school bus passing through.

May 2nd, 2022…

Now for some other updates… Visitors who kindly had their photos taken and are to be added to the ‘Postcards’ section of this humble website, plus some nature photography from the past few weeks.

Did I mention nature?… Here are a couple which caught my eye from some recent nature-themed photo sessions.

There you have it. Brushing rust off the joints and hoping to pick up a rhythm which will see some updates again to the website. As I mentioned at the start of this blog, some history research has been taking place which is ongoing and very interesting. Trying to get accurate information before publishing, so it takes a while.

Oh yes, the poetry reference in the opening paragraph was in relation to a book of poems by some very talented and amazing creative minds which you can find on Twitter. Including one poem by myself, the many contributing warm-hearted individuals showcasing their poetic talents added their work to a book raising awareness and addressing autism. All proceeds go to a charity called Autism Angels UK, and the book is entitled “We Wear the World, Different..”

Thank you for being you. Take care during these tough and challenging times.

*** LINKS ***

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

My personal TWITTER account: Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

YouTube: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube

Last BLOG entry: Recap!… – Whaligoe Eye

Pebble Shore Baby (Part 1)

Pebble shore – Sept. 28th, 2021

Here in the Highlands of Scotland we are blessed with some majestic views, vibrant wildlife, and a hardened lifestyle dwelling within Mother Nature’s ever-changing frame. This website was a springboard to bring attention to the precarious and evidently inadequate infrastructure at Whaligoe Steps, which at the time of this blog entry still exists sadly. But as the months roll by, this humble website has become something more.

I am constantly humbled by not only the feedback from individuals who visit the website, but also the steep learning curve of learning. With an abundance of wildlife on my doorstep so to speak, I am consistently digesting new-to-me information about the various species which consider the environment their home.

Check out the “Nature” section of this website if you get a spare moment: Nature – Whaligoe Eye

Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)

In previous blog posts, I have been bouncing with joy over the many sightings of grey seals. Since the start of August, one seal was spotted. Then two seals. Finally my over-zealous excitement burst with the most heart-warming enthusiasm when a third seal was sighted in the waters of the north sea here.

During the many regular treks down Whaligoe Steps it became apparent that one of the grey seals was huge! Unnervingly so as it happens. Whispers amongst those who knew of this were suspecting a pregnancy. After some rapid research, the time of year being October of 2021, it all felt like something special was going to unfold.

Pair of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus)

On the 10th of December, I found myself melancholy at the state of the nearest pebble shore at Whaligoe Steps. The previous nights had seen storms of significant power batter the coastline, and with such weather arrived a collection of plastic-related pollution, plus some heavy timber. One item caught my eye. It looked to be a white plastic bag or flimsy container which moved. There was a breeze, so it was totally plausible.

One of my first photos of the pebble shore baby

On closer inspection, I discovered the white object was in fact a living, breathing grey seal pup! As I share this with you, I cannot articulate sufficiently what this meant to me. My instinctive panic to what may befall such a beautiful example of Mother Nature if visitors from afar were to unintentionally harm or alarm it, or in cases I have seen via articles on seal clubbing or abuse to such native coastline wildlife which was intentional and thoughtless, took hold of my thoughts.

Grey seal pup working out how to manoeuvre over and around the immediate landscape

Due to the significant levels of visitors which travel here these days, and despite the crisp cold air of December where once upon a time local people would not see anyone, there are still people who frequent this area. I became almost maternal in my protective ways, and those residents who knew of its existence also adopted an unspoken veil of secrecy regarding the arrival of this pebble shore baby.

My first video clip, filmed on the 14th of December, 2021

I checked out the RSPCA website and even tried to phone them as I was caught up in my woes for the safety of such a wild, yet young grey seal: Seal Pup Found Alone | RSPCA

Apparently after further reading, the Mum nurtures and brings up the newly born pup for about a month before setting it free on a nearby beach or shoreline. The seal pup will then be at the mercy of its own instincts and the environment in which it evolves for about two weeks or so. During this time the seal pup is learning about the relationship with the sea, food and protein, and everything else you can imagine when a living species enters its habitat.

The pup exploring a nearby rock pool

There were days when the seal pup would do very little in the way of movement as it conserved energy. It gave off a serene ambience whilst absorbing all around with those beautiful large dark orbs. In the video clips above you may note how the fur is beginning to change. Within the thirteen days I was gifted the opportunity of monitoring and observing it, the physical changes which transpired were remarkable.

Chomping on some seaweed

I mentioned the plastic pollution that washed up around the same time the grey seal pup made its grand entrance on the pebble shore. The photograph below was taken during an impressive clearance of the larger and potentially more hazardous items which were briefly in close proximity to the pup.

I cleared away the plastic pollution which I was concerned might harm the pup

I will share with you some more of my personal experience with this adorable example of the wildlife which graces the shores here in the United Kingdom. Be patient with me as I need to forage amongst my documented footage and photographs to find out which ones are the finest, and then treat them so they are appropriate to be uploaded. Part 2 will be posted in the next day or so as I juggle the Festive period and all that comes with such traditions.

Showing off a carpet of fur as it moulted profusely

Many thanks for dropping by, it is appreciated.

Remember you can find “Whaligoe Eye” on Facebook: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

You can find “Whaligoe Eye” on Twitter: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter or find me, Gary on Twitter: Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

You can find “Whaligoe Eye” on YouTube: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube

Take care and be safe.

Halloween Special: Miller Brothers Mystery

I went down the Whaligoe Steps not once, but twice, which may not sound unusual considering I live here. But when you discover that I was dressed up in a boiler suit, put on a pair of steel toe-capped boots and was wearing a claustrophobic mask you may ponder why would I do such a thing?! Well, it is Halloween and I can be over-zealous when caught in a moment, plus in this example I had indulged in a movie franchise binge and found my over-active imagination stimulated to unhealthy proportions.

In recent months behind the scenes there has been plenty of researching, note-taking and general mischief and merriment to make even a pirate blush, and the results of these eye-opening activities will be surfacing in one form or another during the ever-anticipated and unfolding future. But for now I wanted to share with you a fascinating mystery. I felt the essence of this mystery bid a salute to this time of year, which is the spooky and creepy event some regard as Halloween.

It was the 14th of July, 1848, and a Whaligoe fisherman out on the ocean waves along the coastline here at Caithness, vanished aboard his fishing boat whilst seeking out a herring catch to make the most hardy of competitors sweat with jealousy. Nothing was ever found or deduced in relation to his disappearance apart from his bonnet floating eerily on the surface of the sea. The crew which consisted of his two sons had no account worthy of substance as to the reason why this local man simply disappeared without warning or notice. Their unanimous account rallied the narrative of waking up and finding that Donald Miller had simply vanished without trace during the night.

Mr. Miller’s Brother Alexander, was also regarded as a local Whaligoe fisherman, and lived in Pulteneytown which is located around seven miles away. On the evening of the 11th of December, 1856, what was later identified as his hat was discovered onboard a boat called the “Rambler”, but there was quite literally no sign or sound of the man himself. It appeared that on this fateful late hour, Mr. Alexander Miller had simply vanished without any trace leaving only his hat as a signature of existence.

Curious tales of disappearance, a mystery wrapped up in an enigma. To this day as I sit here after stumbling across these two moments of curiosity; eight years apart but both showcasing a disappearance with no satisfactory conclusion and leaving behind their hats – I think this is a worthy blog entry on the day of Hallows Eve…

Thanks as always for your time, take care and be safe.

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House with Many Names

Salt House, curing house or Whaligoe Station…

The building which still stands on the bink at the base of the Whaligoe Steps is nothing more than a ghost of what it used to be. The architecture of what is standing today shares with the witness a potential of what once was and hints at the industry which took place over a century prior.

View from inside of what remains and where the walls still stand.

The remains of this old building are the remnants of a time when the herring fisheries were rife and full of activity and industry. It was used as a salt house or curing house and had several names and uses during its prime. Fish that were brought in to this modest and rustic commercial port would be gutted and packed, protected within salt to last their journey. Once this process was finished, the fish were ready to be transported seven miles northwards to the main area of operations, the coastal town of Wick.

A John O’Groat Journal newspaper article dated back in 1838 mentioned the curing stations in both Whaligoe and Clyth had been completely destroyed during snow storms that lasted about eight weeks. The author of the article also exclaimed how important the two curing houses were and had no doubt they would be rebuilt so they could withstand such weather conditions in the future.

View of the end wall from the outside

Despite the building being fairly sturdy, danger lurked around the corner. For example, in 1853 a woman was killed by falling rock whilst she packed herring in a barrel. A year later, more rocks were falling from the cliff above around the area where women were packing the fish. Two fishermen attempted to make the situation safer by knocking away loose and dangerous overhanging coastal sections due to the evident prospect of more fatalities, but were sadly placed in the Sheriff’s Court for “wanton and malicious mischief”. This was due to the results of their endeavours damaging the Whaligoe Steps and a curing bench.

View of the bink from inside the remains of the house with many names…