The Past, Postcards And Poetry

A sunrise captured for posterity on the 29th of April, 2023. Not just golden in a visual sense, but an opportunity photographed and shared for what is a blog touching on historic postcards. Postcards regarding this coastline of the Highlands of Scotland, and the fishing industry which celebrated the ‘herring fisheries’ in a big way around the latter part of the 1700s.

Here, overlooking the area along the top of the Whaligoe Steps, not only am I going to share some postcards but I will also share some poetry and an update about some painted stones which I hid around the Steps. Thank you for your time, it’s always appreciated.

No writing on the other side of the above postcard, but it’s a personal favourite showing a sample of the culture. “A Scotch Fisher Lassie”. During the research for my batch of postcards, the number in the bottom left hand corner is identified as a series number, not a date.

This John O’ Groats postcard was sent to Gosport, Hampshire (England), and stamped by the local Post Office in 1929. John O’ Groats is a 31 minute drive (23 miles) from Whaligoe Steps according to ‘Google Maps’.

Another favourite is this postcard of Keiss Castle, posted to Bognor Regis (England) back in 1906. According to ‘Google’ it is a 20 minute drive from Whaligoe Steps to Keiss, which covers a distance of just over 14 miles.

The above postcard provides a glorious hint of the Wick Harbour area, enthusiastic with sea-going activity. Sadly, the year isn’t visible on the other side of the ‘card, but the address it was posted to resided on the Orkney Isles.

As a sample of my ever-growing collection of postcards, I wish to share this last one for now which showcases Wick Harbour (now known as ‘Wick Marina’). What looks like a clock on a building to the left of the above postcard as you look at it, has been identified as a barometer and it’s still there at the time of this blog entry.

Thanks to a gentleman via the Whaligoe Eye Facebook platform, he advised of a tragedy which became known as ‘Black Saturday’ (1848), where a calm night of fishing turned into a deadly storm. As a result of the following enquiry a barometer was installed.


Recently, Stuart Matthews assembled some fabulous poetry from a community via the Twitter social media platform again, and I am thrilled to say I had two poems included among these talented souls.

‘Weave Words Within Waves’ is now available from all good book retail sources, and is known as the sixth release in his ‘Instant Eternal’ series.

I try to craft and share a poem once a day as often as I can via Twitter, and enjoy reading other contributions daily. These recent poems generally have a photograph I’ve taken included, to provide a context or art-related addition. Here are two of my recent poems which I shared with poetry enthusiasts during April, 2023…

“Like a Flower”

When sooner
In poems

Are you dawn,
where hope’s

Are you day,
come what

Are you dusk,
when needs

Are you night,

Manifest moments
to make all
Like a flower writes
verses here on
the floor

The above photo was taken in my garden on the 14th of April, and the poem was crafted on the same day.


“Ocean Wide”

Like gazing at
an ocean
You seek a truth
that’s not

To forgive when
heart so
Would mean a
sacrifice from

What lengths
would you
To catch that

When you’ve
grown these
In the near to
reach so

The above poem and photograph date to April 11th, 2023.


During the 17th of April, 2023, one of the neighbours dropped by to assist with some stone-painting. Decorating stones and pebbles with all manner of designs proved both therapeutic and fun for all concerned. Some of these stones are pictured below, and I hid them in various locations dotted around Whaligoe Steps.

Painting these small rocks always provides entertainment in not only the creative process, but also hiding them, and then finding out where they went to. One specific painted stone proved popular and I was notified yesterday (April 30th) that it had made the journey back to Malta!!!

The painted stone you see above keeping the radiant primrose company, was on April 18th, 2023. It was relocated several times and then disappeared. Well, to know it landed in Malta is a lovely surprise, and I thank you for sharing your update and thank you for being You.

As it says on the stone, “Let love sparkle”

I ended up taking a lot of nature-themed photographs throughout April around Whaligoe Steps, and here are just a few I wish to share with you…

As the season is upon us for visitors, nature and adventure, I’ll be adding more blog posts soon.

Until next time, thank you as always for your time and kindness. Sending you positive wishes.

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TWITTER (Gary): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

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