Student of Life (Part 2)

July 12th, 2022…

As I assemble the material for this latest blog, it is the early morn’ of July 13th, 2022. I’m in a reflective mood pondering over how much has happened in such a short duration, plus how much I have learned about myself and about our society. Elements which impact this wee community are culturally different in so many ways to other locations around the globe for a plethora of reasons. The ways in which improvements and safety are implemented for those who are relevant can be such a slow and frustrating process as a specific example. Maybe you’re in a similar position within your own cultural and socially constructed system?

This is a handy link to a ‘recap’ I compiled for a previous blog if you have the time and interest. Recap!… – Whaligoe Eye

Image showcasing some social media coverage from 2021…

Now to focus on what this blog is about…

Yesterday at around 3pm-ish, it became apparent that another car-related incident had unfolded to the obvious distress and disappointment of those present. Out of respect for the people involved and for the nature of such things, I’ve selected photographs which provide an ambience in the aftermath.

With a Highland Council van in attendance (photograph to your left as you look at the three images above), it simply informs us that they had a presence and therefore are aware of another vehicle-related incident taking place at this location. The Highland Council are responsible for maintaining and providing a system and service which accommodates the needs of a community and in this instance, the visitors who travel here from around the globe. Individuals of the community pay tax and have a legal right to at the very least, a suitable infrastructure and a safe environment for all concerned.

This link takes you to the homepage for the Highland Council online presence – The Highland Council Homepage

I understand that it’s easy to be frustrated with their seeming lack of action in addressing the Whaligoe Steps lack of facilities. I also take into account the Highland Council do so much and have their proverbial fingers in so many pies, that it’s a truly intimidating task and certainly unfair to simply criticise them for oversights or slow responses. Assessments and reviews, legal obligations, logistical challenges, and so much else take place when the Highland Council need to address a situation.

July 13th, 2022…

The above photograph was taken mere moments before I began to tackle this blog entry. It is a boring but vital piece of the puzzle which the Highland Council will be researching. This is the access to the residential car park located here at the location of Whaligoe Steps.

July 13th, 2022…

The residential car park here this morning… Note: A rather ugly looking pot-hole in the centre of this area.

July 13th, 2022…

In the name of transparency with what Whaligoe Eye has witnessed around the Whaligoe Steps location, this year thus far has NOT been as hectic as previous years. Important to state this, but there have still been busy times where congestion HAS taken place, and the logistical nightmare which befalls road-users has brought about frustration and minor incidents.

So this blog which continues to raise relevant issues is not an attack on the powers-that-be. It is simply commentating about ongoing and anxious times. If all goes to plan, I wish to tackle mental health topics in a future blog. (Incidentally, thank you so much for those who have made contact about such health-related matters, it means a lot and I’m appreciative of the support).

On June 3rd, 2022, I heard some commotion outside my front door and thoughtlessly ventured out onto the path to observe, the path which is for pedestrians/residents running adjacent to the row of bungalows here. I’m not sure how to articulate this without it sounding sensational, but I was simply close to being knocked down by a car which had mounted the kerb.

It was my first personal experience of nearly being run over since moving here over twenty years ago. Other residents have shared their experiences with near-misses since the increase in traffic, but the community still awaits any progress for infrastructure improvements.

Raymond Bremner, leader of the Council (Caithness Committee, etc…)

I went to Wick police station to report my near-miss and due to the surprising nature of the incident, couldn’t offer much insight apart from the shade of car which nearly hit me and how the only injury I sustained was probably my pride. Stumbling backwards into my doorway thankfully saved me I believe.

The lady behind the transparent plastic shield in the police station advised me to reach out to a local Councillor called Raymond Bremner. Councillor Raymond Bremner | 03 Wick and East Caithness Ward | Scottish National Party Party | The Highland Council

My email (dated June 4th, 2022) explained that I had originally communicated concerns back in September 1st, 2021, but had received no reply. I expressed a feeling of “Perceived apathy” and hoped to hear from someone this time around, even as a common courtesy.

This was over a month ago as I assemble this blog for you, and here is the reply I received…

July 13th, 2022…

I wish to reiterate how I am trying to make this blog entry as objective as I can. As a resident here at the top of Whaligoe Steps, merely trying to go about my law-abiding pursuits, to be hindered and anxious to an increasing degree feels unjust and somewhat confusing.

The local newspaper ( John O’Groat Journal – read the latest News and Sport ( published an article I saw on June 10th, which shows Councillor Bremner in a questionable light: Council leader Raymond Bremner rubbishes the claims the leadership has forgotten rural areas after dispute breaks out over appointing CHAT boss Councillor Ron Gunn to the NHS Highland Board (

When reflecting over the above article, with respects of feeling uninformed and baffled as to the lack of obvious progress here at Whaligoe Steps, I’m naturally of the mind there is merit to the journalistic coverage.

Nevertheless, as long as I face a blank wall which seems satisfied to sit in absolute silence and not communicate with me, but rely (perhaps) on other resources to inform me what is going on with the environment in which I live, I’ll continue to compose blogs of this subject matter and share with you accordingly.

Let’s have a beautiful photograph of a family of seagulls I took recently…

July 12th, 2022…

Thank you for being so kind supporting the Twitter and Facebook accounts, also for subscribing to the newsletter. The increasing awareness and interest in Whaligoe Eye, my poetry and the coverage of all things regarding Whaligoe Steps has been a revelation.


There are two history-themed blogs in the wings which have been meticulously researched, something special coming about Charlie Juhlenski (the Stonemason), plus many other blogs covering life around Whaligoe Steps.

Take care, stay safe and here’s a photograph of a faint moon above Whaligoe Steps, taken on the evening of July 8th, 2022…

July 8th, 2022…

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