New Challenge (Part 6)

Thank you for your company and precious time as you join me for a trek down and around Whaligoe Steps every day for twelve months.

Yes, a way to capture a moment or moments for every day of the year in a location which boasts wildlife, beautiful wildflowers, rich coastal history and interesting characters – from May 1st, 2023 and hoping to eventually reach May 1st, 2024.

The photo of the moon above was a wonderful point as I glanced upwards during my morning trek on Monday, 10th of July, 2023. At that moment I had no idea what was going to transpire over the next fortnight and what would end up being published in this next chapter, sharing the world down and around Whaligoe Steps.

The last four days from Wednesday, the 19th of July, 2023 to Saturday, 22nd of July, 2023… The time of year for visiting Whaligoe Steps is well and truly upon us. I’ll explain why I’m sharing this abundance in traffic here in the tranquil landscape of Caithness in a moment as I share each day from the 10th of July to the 23rd of July during my attempt at walking down and around the ‘Steps for a whole year. Suffice to say that a lot of traffic descending on an area which was designed for a handful of residents is going to have some sort of fallout.

July 10th, 2023: During a mild sunrise on this specific Monday morning, all seemed calm. Jackdaw spotted surveying the scenery from a fence post.

Much later in the day, during the evening I observed plenty of boats moving around on the North Sea from Whaligoe Steps. This cruise liner I believe is German.

July 11th, 2023: During my trek in the morning I negotiated a drizzly beginning of the day. Sadly, things got worse when I arrived home in the evening to find my outer wall had been destroyed (again!) I believe the security camera image in the middle shows someone who may know a lot about how my wall was knocked down.

The reason why I leapt in and made a website called was because nobody was doing anything about the large volume of visitors to the area. The infrastructure was designed for the residential area and is maintained by the Highland Council. Due to the significant increase in traffic and presence of people, my outer wall has been knocked down twice now, I’ve nearly been run over, and many other examples you can imagine living with such a situation have taken place.

It’s very stressful living here, yet also very beautiful too.

July 12th, 2023: I found the trek the following morning rather cathartic. Cloudy and calm, wet and wild.

July 13th, 2023: Cliff face which overlooks the Whaligoe Steps. It is roughly 250 feet up from the North Sea. The other photograph shows that despite being just over eight miles from the mainland coastline, the Beatrice wind farm is still quite visible.

July 14th, 2023: During this month I noticed the razorbills and guillemots had departed this bit of the northern Scottish coastline, and also how the young shags were keen to spread their wings and move further out to sea. Despite the abundant wildflowers starting to disappear from view, there were still splashes of colour to find among the vibrant green shades.

July 15th, 2023: I stumbled across a dandelion which was alone, yet full of life. As my trek on that particular Saturday morning continued, I found myself on the far side looking across at the slim but steady waterfall. Sir Billy Connolly made a joke about the waterfall back in the 90s, saying something akin to “It’s the only waterfall I’ve seen that goes up the way!”

July 16th, 2023: Mustn’t forget about the wild rabbits around here. Also on Whaligoe Steps when the rain has been busy, you may see plenty of snails lurking along the verges. In this instant, I witnessed one actually negotiating the Whaligoe Steps. I’m not a snail expert but I pride myself on being an individual who keeps learning all the time. After some research, I believe the snail is a white-lipped snail (Capaea hortensis).

July 17th, 2023: Local resident moggy, Star, is a welcome companion, but since May 1st, 2023 when I took it upon myself to try out this challenge, the singing wren has also been most enjoyable. In full song in the photograph below. Also, wearing a delicate coat of raindrops and possibly dew too, a wild rose which grows right alongside a flight of the ‘Steps.

July 18th, 2023: Below is an example of the young shags getting more courageous and venturing further out within the North Sea. At this time of entering my blog, I can say that this morning I only witnessed three lone young shags on a rocky island. Maybe the others have now left?

The other photograph is a moment where the the gushing water right at the top of Whaligoe Steps is approaching the point where it descends down the cliff face. If you look at July 15th, that’s the point where the water just drops into the North Sea, but just before that point you can see the momentum as it negotiates the wild flora.

July 19th, 2023: A slightly wet and gloomy Wednesday morning trek which provided me with a fabulous opportunity to photograph a great black-backed gull quite closely. Also, during a muted sunrise, I noticed how the fire speckled artistically behind some wild vegetation.

July 20th, 2023: The sunrise on the morning of the 20th here at Whaligoe Steps was delightful. The rabbits certainly enjoyed it as they were out and about with a flurry.

July 21st, 2023: During these later days of July I’ve noticed the newer thistles bursting into flower and looking rather striking at the top of the ‘Steps. The other photograph is of a gull chick. They’re becoming more courageous too and seem to be growing up at a hasty rate.

July 22nd, 2023: The remaining boat winch has a presence here at Whaligoe Steps. There was at least one other back in the day, when this was a bustling harbour during the successful herring fisheries.

Mayweed has stayed true as the daffodils and other flowers have gone over. This large daisy-looking wildflower really provides the environment with some personality.

July 23rd, 2023: This very morning (Sunday, when I’m assembling this blog for you), the sunrise was very curious. Cloud formations made the light fierce in one specific part of the sky. As it settled, I then witnessed it glisten on the surface of the North Sea ripples.

There you have it, another fortnight of moments captured on each of the days from the 10th of July, to the 23rd of July, 2023.

If you’re wondering about my outer wall, the question is really about whether it’s worthwhile spending money and time getting it rebuilt (again) only for another visitor to crash into it? If you’re new to this story, then let me also remind you that the Highland Council relatively recently advised they were investing £90,000 in expanding the residential car park here which will most certainly make a difference.

The sooner they can get on with the job in hand, the better for my mental health.

I’ll sign off with positive wishes and gratitude to you and yours, until the next fortnight when I hope to continue my challenge incorporating images from each and every day. Maybe more boats from the coastline, or stunning views, wonderful wildlife, breath-taking beauty, stories of adventure?

Take care and be safe.

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye | Lybster | Facebook

TWITTER (Gary): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter


Winter Reflections…

Did you hear my teeth chattering and feel a wee tremble as the cold wrestled with the tips of my fingers? Well, this cold time of year has now faded away to unveil Easter celebrations and splashes of Spring, but here at Whaligoe Steps there’s been plenty going on since my last blog entry.

Join me if you will, to witness some beautiful Winter-themed photography of this picturesque area from several days in December ’22 and March ’23…

Living beside the North Sea means the winds bite with a bitter temperature, and most often tend to be the reason for lack of snow. Whilst watching/listening to the weather forecast, they speak of more inland areas receiving generous snowfall, but here on the coastline it’s a little less commonplace.

The photos above hopefully share an ambience and an idea of how this area looks when the snow does actually drop by and hang around for a day or two.

There’s a region where a landfall tucks itself away in a corner once you reach the base of Whaligoe Steps, which during these colder experiences showcases stunning icicles. I’ve included two photographs of this for your perusal.

One of the images above is a new ‘toy’ which arrived during the Festive period. A glass orb which creates some interesting photographs like an arty lens. Here are a couple more which I like, but I’m still experimenting with the globe.

I won’t bore you with events and activities which have been taking place over the past few months, but I will share with you that I’ve been collecting old postcards with connections to this rustic and ever-changing coastline. In fact, at the time of this blog it’s Easter weekend, so here’s an example of an old postcard which showcases celebrations of Easter back in 1914. If you’re pondering over the journey this specific postcard took I can tell you that it was sent from the U.S.A. to England back in the day.

Let’s not get caught up too much in that detour, as a blog will be forthcoming about old postcards.

It is April, 2023… This means the season of sunrise and daffodils is upon us. Here are some photographs embracing these enchanting sights.

The residential car park here at Whaligoe Steps has been getting busier since April 1st, and there are evidently more visitors during the ‘quiet time’ of the year (November – February) when temperatures have dropped and folk are recovering from the turning of a new year and Christmas festivities. The reputation of this area continues to reach more and more curious minds.

Remember, if you encounter the congestion or any frustrations regarding lack of facilities, infrastructure-related issues, that the Highland Council have announced they’re investing a tourist-based funding of £90,000 at some point over the next five years. This will definitely benefit visitors and residents alike.

Residential car park on April 8th, 2023

(Residential car park at Whaligoe Steps, April 8th, 2023…)

On November 11th, 2022, I took these photographs of a Highland Council approved sign which can be seen here on the verge of the residential car parking facilities.

Naturally, when it gets very busy here this sign doesn’t seem to mean a lot. Nevertheless, it is a presence and possible indicator of Highland Council intentions to do what they can with the budgets they have. Keeping fingers and toes crossed.

As the season of activity and visitors has arrived in full flow, I’ll be active on this website more and of course there are social media updates going on too. Many extra photographs end up via social media platforms if you’re interested, but time is always against us. No pressure.

Take care, be safe and know I’m sending you positive wishes for a rewarding and precious day/night.

Thank you for being You.

Greylag goose (Anser anser) sighted on a loch nearby, April 7th, 2023…


FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye | Lybster | Facebook

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

TWITTER (Gary): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter


YOUTUBE: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube

Student of Life (Part 2)

July 12th, 2022…

As I assemble the material for this latest blog, it is the early morn’ of July 13th, 2022. I’m in a reflective mood pondering over how much has happened in such a short duration, plus how much I have learned about myself and about our society. Elements which impact this wee community are culturally different in so many ways to other locations around the globe for a plethora of reasons. The ways in which improvements and safety are implemented for those who are relevant can be such a slow and frustrating process as a specific example. Maybe you’re in a similar position within your own cultural and socially constructed system?

This is a handy link to a ‘recap’ I compiled for a previous blog if you have the time and interest. Recap!… – Whaligoe Eye

Image showcasing some social media coverage from 2021…

Now to focus on what this blog is about…

Yesterday at around 3pm-ish, it became apparent that another car-related incident had unfolded to the obvious distress and disappointment of those present. Out of respect for the people involved and for the nature of such things, I’ve selected photographs which provide an ambience in the aftermath.

With a Highland Council van in attendance (photograph to your left as you look at the three images above), it simply informs us that they had a presence and therefore are aware of another vehicle-related incident taking place at this location. The Highland Council are responsible for maintaining and providing a system and service which accommodates the needs of a community and in this instance, the visitors who travel here from around the globe. Individuals of the community pay tax and have a legal right to at the very least, a suitable infrastructure and a safe environment for all concerned.

This link takes you to the homepage for the Highland Council online presence – The Highland Council Homepage

I understand that it’s easy to be frustrated with their seeming lack of action in addressing the Whaligoe Steps lack of facilities. I also take into account the Highland Council do so much and have their proverbial fingers in so many pies, that it’s a truly intimidating task and certainly unfair to simply criticise them for oversights or slow responses. Assessments and reviews, legal obligations, logistical challenges, and so much else take place when the Highland Council need to address a situation.

July 13th, 2022…

The above photograph was taken mere moments before I began to tackle this blog entry. It is a boring but vital piece of the puzzle which the Highland Council will be researching. This is the access to the residential car park located here at the location of Whaligoe Steps.

July 13th, 2022…

The residential car park here this morning… Note: A rather ugly looking pot-hole in the centre of this area.

July 13th, 2022…

In the name of transparency with what Whaligoe Eye has witnessed around the Whaligoe Steps location, this year thus far has NOT been as hectic as previous years. Important to state this, but there have still been busy times where congestion HAS taken place, and the logistical nightmare which befalls road-users has brought about frustration and minor incidents.

So this blog which continues to raise relevant issues is not an attack on the powers-that-be. It is simply commentating about ongoing and anxious times. If all goes to plan, I wish to tackle mental health topics in a future blog. (Incidentally, thank you so much for those who have made contact about such health-related matters, it means a lot and I’m appreciative of the support).

On June 3rd, 2022, I heard some commotion outside my front door and thoughtlessly ventured out onto the path to observe, the path which is for pedestrians/residents running adjacent to the row of bungalows here. I’m not sure how to articulate this without it sounding sensational, but I was simply close to being knocked down by a car which had mounted the kerb.

It was my first personal experience of nearly being run over since moving here over twenty years ago. Other residents have shared their experiences with near-misses since the increase in traffic, but the community still awaits any progress for infrastructure improvements.

Raymond Bremner, leader of the Council (Caithness Committee, etc…)

I went to Wick police station to report my near-miss and due to the surprising nature of the incident, couldn’t offer much insight apart from the shade of car which nearly hit me and how the only injury I sustained was probably my pride. Stumbling backwards into my doorway thankfully saved me I believe.

The lady behind the transparent plastic shield in the police station advised me to reach out to a local Councillor called Raymond Bremner. Councillor Raymond Bremner | 03 Wick and East Caithness Ward | Scottish National Party Party | The Highland Council

My email (dated June 4th, 2022) explained that I had originally communicated concerns back in September 1st, 2021, but had received no reply. I expressed a feeling of “Perceived apathy” and hoped to hear from someone this time around, even as a common courtesy.

This was over a month ago as I assemble this blog for you, and here is the reply I received…

July 13th, 2022…

I wish to reiterate how I am trying to make this blog entry as objective as I can. As a resident here at the top of Whaligoe Steps, merely trying to go about my law-abiding pursuits, to be hindered and anxious to an increasing degree feels unjust and somewhat confusing.

The local newspaper ( John O’Groat Journal – read the latest News and Sport ( published an article I saw on June 10th, which shows Councillor Bremner in a questionable light: Council leader Raymond Bremner rubbishes the claims the leadership has forgotten rural areas after dispute breaks out over appointing CHAT boss Councillor Ron Gunn to the NHS Highland Board (

When reflecting over the above article, with respects of feeling uninformed and baffled as to the lack of obvious progress here at Whaligoe Steps, I’m naturally of the mind there is merit to the journalistic coverage.

Nevertheless, as long as I face a blank wall which seems satisfied to sit in absolute silence and not communicate with me, but rely (perhaps) on other resources to inform me what is going on with the environment in which I live, I’ll continue to compose blogs of this subject matter and share with you accordingly.

Let’s have a beautiful photograph of a family of seagulls I took recently…

July 12th, 2022…

Thank you for being so kind supporting the Twitter and Facebook accounts, also for subscribing to the newsletter. The increasing awareness and interest in Whaligoe Eye, my poetry and the coverage of all things regarding Whaligoe Steps has been a revelation.


There are two history-themed blogs in the wings which have been meticulously researched, something special coming about Charlie Juhlenski (the Stonemason), plus many other blogs covering life around Whaligoe Steps.

Take care, stay safe and here’s a photograph of a faint moon above Whaligoe Steps, taken on the evening of July 8th, 2022…

July 8th, 2022…

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

TWITTER (Personal account): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

YOUTUBE: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube



January 16th, 2022…

If I’m watching a television series and there is a gap between watching the episodes, I find myself thankful when the creators of such a show provide a recap. That magical reminder of the characters and their story arc, the prompt to pick up where I left off whilst watching avidly on prior occasions.

So here it is for those of you who are new to the “Whaligoe Eye” project (and there has been a significant increase of visitors to this humble website), covering life on and around the remarkable Whaligoe Steps, here in the north Highlands of Scotland.

This recap also applies to those who have dropped by in the past thanks to my coverage of Stonemasonry undertaken by Charles Juhlenski on the Steps; the blogs covering my thirteen day monitoring of a grey seal pup here at Whaligoe Steps; the coverage of ongoing congestion and overwhelming traffic issues which have plagued the local infrastructure here causing a significant amount of anxiety and stress for visitors and locals alike, or general curiosity after the welcome social media interest in my poetry and promotion of this website.

Although the history of Whaligoe Steps can be dated back via documented sources to around 1640, the Steps we can witness at the time of this blog entry are commonly associated to the sterling investment of Captain David Brodie. He commissioned around 330 Caithness flagstones to be set in the cliff face to provide a robust pathway down to what is known as the Bink, which is situated at the base of the zig-zagging descent. The year most commonly associated with Captain Brodie and his intent on creating a better walkway is around 1791.

I’m not going to enter into a whole chronological history lesson right now, that can wait for the book which I’m researching and constantly working on. Just know that living here for over thirty years, I count my blessings being entertained, stimulated and marvelling at the world around me regarding Whaligoe Steps. So let me take this opportunity to share the story thus far dating back only a few months when I kickstarted this modest blogging website.

(Social media screenshot) Coverage at the time of the dangerous numbers of visitors overwhelmed the immediate infrastructure at Whaligoe Steps

Due to the frustrating lack of acknowledgement by the Highland Council to the plight facing residents and visitors to Whaligoe Steps over the past five years (!), I took the plunge and paid for this website in August, 2021. For one reason or another, nobody else was in a situation locally to provide a sensible and socially aware approach to bringing attention to the evident health and safety risks of residents and visitors here.

After being informed by other residents of constant minor vehicle-related incidents in the residents carpark, or near misses to pedestrians in relation to the significant increase to traffic either mounting the kerb, or trying to negotiate a singular access point which was not built for purpose of this magnitude, I decided to do something about it! The proverbial cherry on top of the cake arrived nearly a year prior, when in September, 2020, my outer wall was knocked down by an impressive sized campervan! My stress levels hit an all time high.

Residents carpark totally full in August, 2021 – No space for residents or anyone wishing to visit residents…

As of the middle of January, 2022, I’m sad to update one and all with how nothing has changed regarding this specific concern. Mind you, in fairness to the Highland Council they did eventually provide a well-used dustbin for refuse collection as we had at that point no facilities other than a yellow grit bin! The rubbish bin is a silver lining to what has been a huge disappointment thus far.

I took a screenshot of a relevant online meeting the Highland Council orchestrated regarding significant increases to tourism in the Highlands and the impacts thereof. This meeting was held on September 29th (2021) and apart from their back-slapping over providing wardens to assess and data-collect, they also recognised that lessons in social media would be beneficial.

Despite only one local Councillor venturing out to meet me and discuss or listen to my woes, I have emailed all others from the local Ward to no avail. The warden I witnessed on a couple of occasions who visited the carpark and immediate area when no traffic and disruption was unfolding, made no overtures of communication or data-collection from myself or those who I have spoken with.

Sharing this with you is surprisingly cathartic, so I extend my humble thanks to you for listening.

So the first blog entry was on August the 15th, 2021, reporting on the chaos of another year busy with visitors to Whaligoe Steps, and tales of being unable to park in allocated spaces as they were full. As the days rolled by in a blur of constant monitoring and anxiety, the website began to take on other elements of what makes this community so interesting and precious.

Photo taken thanks to a trip with Caithness Seacoast in 2021… From the perspective of the north sea looking under the Bink.

There was a trip taken with Caithness Seacoast in 2021 which added to the learning curve regarding the relationship of Whaligoe Steps in context to the coastline leading to Wick. During this time I was learning about the abundant wildlife around Whaligoe Steps, and raising awareness regarding the ominous situation on my doorstep with congestion and volume of visitors by talking to some local newspapers…

“Whaligoe Eye” by this point was showcasing galleries representing Nature – Whaligoe Eye plus photographs of visitors who were happy to be added to Postcards – Whaligoe Eye

Another highlight for me was getting the opportunity to talk to the Stonemason Charles Juhlenski and see him at work. For several months he worked hard repairing and maintaining a couple of flights from the total of six which make up Whaligoe Steps.

Before the end of 2021, on my regular treks down the Steps I was privileged to discover a baby grey seal on the pebble shore. For thirteen days I monitored the transition as the white fur gave way to a grey coat, and the general confidence the pup developed as it became aware of its surroundings. Two blogs covered this experience and even now I am so warm-hearted by the whole encounter.

I think that will do for what was supposed to be a condensed recap of the past few months here at Whaligoe Steps.

The positive feedback and support from local folk as well as those beautiful people from around the globe, from Australia to Africa, Canada and the U.S., to many other interesting parts of the Earth, have been at times sincerely overwhelming. I thank you one and all.

It would be remiss of me not to say that your continued support simply visiting and reading some of the content; following the various social media enterprises associated with this website; and those who subscribed to this venture via the online form, are very much appreciated and add to the unity of cultural insight and awareness of this area of the Highlands coastline in Scotland. You also get to peek behind a curtain and relate to community impact in the face of a perceived apathy and uncomfortable political situation. I share my humble gratitude with you and look forward to sharing more of this unfolding true story with you.

This year, 2022, is looking like it will be one truly insane time! Where unassuming visitors and residents already battle-weary, will be confronting another dangerous and chaotic arena of feverish activities. Not only is access for emergency services in question, but sadly the constant call for updates within the infrastructure here to cater for toilet facilities, better signage, safer conditions for pedestrians, better parking allocation, and perhaps some communication/transparency from the Highland Council with the residents regarding intentions or plans which may be ahead.

Be assured that it’s my intention to continue working on updates for this website throughout 2022. Covering as much of the evolving landscape, wildlife, revealing the history as I research it, and capturing the carnage which is to follow as the months creep forward.

Thank You again, you’re amazing. Take care and stay safe.


TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

My personal TWITTER account: Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

YOUTUBE: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube

Latest Blog Entry: A Cool Descent… – Whaligoe Eye