Daily Trek Challenge (Part 15)

If you’re curious about my daily treks down and around Whaligoe Steps, catch up with this handy ‘recap’ link – Edit Post “Recap for Whaligoe Steps 365… (Parts 1 to 14)” ‹ Whaligoe Eye — WordPress

I’ve been wrestling a few distractions recently, so haven’t succeeded in publishing a blog about my continual adventures with the area around and down the impressive ‘Steps, but will be catching up with my entries in the coming weeks. This one will kickstart that process by covering November 13th, and finishing with November 26th… A fortnight of strong winds, chilly temperatures and some rustic landscapes.

Nov. 13th, 2023: Typical of this specific trek, a blustery and slightly chilly experience with waves dancing against coastal rocks.

Nov. 14th, 2023: Accumulation of foam was abundant during this Tuesday morning trek…

Nov. 15th, 2023: Despite the turning of weather and the challenge of negotiating rain and gusts, the skies remained triumphant in their many colours and textures, making it a pleasure to witness throughout this fortnight.

Nov. 16th, 2023: Beneath such stimulating skies were appearances from a companion I always welcome. Star the cat, in good form…

Nov. 17th, 2023: During my Friday trek, I was greeted with a beautiful and tangled sunrise as cloud and sunshine wrestled before me.

Nov. 18th, 2023: A common silhouette I photographed throughout this month and December.

Nov. 19th, 2023: I’m a self-confessed ‘student of life’ as I’ve mentioned in other blog entries, but capturing silhouettes against the beautiful skies here at Whaligoe Steps has been fun and interesting.

An example of visitors to this area, even in late November.

Nov. 20th, 2023: Dwelling beside puddles in the below photograph is the one remaining boat winch, overshadowed by the formidable cliffs which reach up to the skies at around two hundred and fifty feet high.

Nov. 21st, 2023: Looking down from the third flight of Whaligoe Steps, I noticed how turquoise the North Sea became during this cold November day.

Nov. 22nd, 2023: Did I make mention of the third flight of Whaligoe Steps?…

Nov. 23rd, 2023: It seems somewhat foolish to forget Whaligoe Steps also dwells at night time. The day has plenty to offer, but below is a photograph of the moon over this area on a Thursday evening.

Nov. 24th, 2023: Below is an example of a gushing, windswept waterfall here at the ‘Steps.

Nov. 25th, 2023: Now then, don’t leave any carrots about or something may pinch ’em. The rabbit population is present at the top of Whaligoe Steps and around the top of the cliffs here.

Nov. 26th, 2023: Another sky-related photo as looking up offers a chance for daydreaming.

Hope you enjoyed looking at this captured moments during the fortnight which was from Monday, Nov. 13th up to and including Sunday, Nov. 26th, 2023…

My next blog entry will continue the momentum of sharing captured moments from Monday, Nov. 27th, 2023 up to and including Sunday, December 10th, 2023…

Thank you for sticking with me during my daily trek challenge, for just being You really. The support and kindness shown via social media has been appreciated, and those occasions I get to meet folk who visit Whaligoe Steps and share their anecdotes. Sending you positive wishes only always.

Take care, stay safe.

Here’s a fun one of Star during my trek on November 25th…

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye | Lybster | Facebook

TWITTER (X): Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / X (twitter.com)

TWITTER (X) – Gary: Gary (busy ✌🙄) (@floodland08) / X (twitter.com)

EMAIL: WhaligoeEyeToo@gmail.com

Whaligoe Steps – Three Hundred and Sixty Five (Part 14)

My daily treks down and around this engineering marvel, located along the coastline in Caithness continue. This blog entry shares with you another fortnight, dated from October 30th, 2023 up to November 12th, 2023…

The skies were notable at this time for being spectacular, adding a precious ambience to the experience of capturing nature here in this picturesque location.

Previous blogWhaligoe Steps 365 (Part 13) – Whaligoe Eye

Welcome once more to Whaligoe Steps…

Oct. 30th, 2023: Clouds were sauntering through rich blue skies, whilst the ‘forgotten’ flight of Whaligoe Steps juggled with rain and hints of grass.

Oct. 31st, 2023: Sunrise wrestled with more clouds during this Tuesday trek.

As I ascended the steps, I was greeted by my first sighting of the robin this autumn.

Nov. 1st, 2023: Ventured into the shallow cave on the pebble shoreline.

Since storm Babet, I’m still discovering the changes within the landscape around here. This includes how the rusty broken anchor has been moved and partly covered.

Nov. 2nd, 2023: It doesn’t happen every morning, but it’s a treat to witness both the sun in one direction and the moon in the other. The photos below show how prominent the moon was during this particular trek.

Nov. 3rd, 2023: Unsettled weather was captured as waves whipped up into gusty symphonies.

Nov. 4th, 2023: Star was attentive and delightful as she always is.

A clattering of jackdaws enjoy the sunshine which coats a roaming fence.

Nov. 5th, 2023: Two faces of the North Sea captured in one trek. Waves excitable reach for the skies, and then a little later there were tranquil waters.

Nov. 6th, 2023: A wild rabbit plays peek-a-boo.

I found that Whaligoe Steps has a heart of stone.

Nov. 7th, 2023: Landscape moments where perception is captured from a distance. Looking down on the Bink where the North Sea shares a clarity.

The waterfall here continues to flow with abundant energy.

Nov. 8th, 2023: Ambience of another cloudy autumnal day.

Nov. 9th, 2023: On this Thursday trek, I was fortunate to see two versions of a sunrise. A softer glow behind swaying flora was the first encounter.

Then a little later, a fire sandwiched between well defined clouds.

Nov. 10th, 2023: Standing beside the old Salt House down on the Bink gives a sense of history within this coastal environment.

During this trek, I pondered over the vastness of the enduring tides of the North Sea.

Nov. 11th, 2023: Temperatures fell during these treks down and around Whaligoe Steps, but still the sun watched from afar.

Pleasant ambience on this early Saturday afternoon.

Nov. 12th, 2023: Silhouettes.

Wrap up warm and know you’re appreciated. Thank you for your generosity of time and for your support, they mean a lot.

Until the next one, take care.

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye | Lybster | Facebook

TWITTER (X): Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / X (twitter.com)

TWITTER (X) Gary: Gary (@floodland08) / X (twitter.com)

EMAIL: WhaligoeEye@gmail.com

Whaligoe Steps 365 (Part 12)

Daylight is becoming shy as the season of autumn falls on this coastal location at Whaligoe Steps, in Caithness, Scotland. Sightings of the moon in conjunction with some more beautiful sunrises give nature a presence so precious.

Links to the previous episodes which document my attempt to go down or around, or both, regarding the six zig-zagging flights of rustic stone steps known as Whaligoe Steps, which wind their way down a two hundred and fifty foot cliff face can be clicked on below…

New Challenge (Part 1) – Whaligoe Eye

New Challenge (Part 2) – Whaligoe Eye

New Challenge (Part 3) – Whaligoe Eye

New Challenge (Part 4) – Whaligoe Eye

New Challenge (Part 5) – Whaligoe Eye

New Challenge (Part 6) – Whaligoe Eye

Daily Challenge (Part 7) – Whaligoe Eye

Daily Challenge (Part 8) – Whaligoe Eye

Daily Challenge (Part 9) – Whaligoe Eye

Whaligoe Steps 365 (Part 10) – Whaligoe Eye

Whaligoe Steps 365 (Part 11) – Whaligoe Eye

I began these adventures walking down the Whaligoe Steps each and every day from May 1st, 2023… By the end of this month of October I will have succeeded in tackling a trek around this rustic coastal location for a whole six months. Encounters with deer, rabbits, curlew, various seabirds, a stoat, a grey seal and being gifted the many witness accounts of varying sunrises have all shown me the wonders of what the natural world has to offer, alongside the coldest sea in the world.

This blog entry is sharing some highlights collated from October 2nd, 2023 up to and including Sunday, October 15th, 2023…

Oct. 2nd, 2023: In one direction was a stunning sunrise over the North Sea… I turned around and noticed behind the flora, a faint but present moon fading into the daylight…

Oct. 3rd, 2023: A rabbit plays peek-a-boo whilst a dazzling sunrise takes place on the horizon, melting clouds and shimmering at the beginning of daybreak.

Oct. 4th, 2023: Despite the temperatures dropping, the wind picking up and the general lack of daylight, the local flora still puts on a show during the overcast conditions of the day.

Oct. 5th, 2023: Off-shore wind farm called Beatrice is just over eight miles from the coastline, and the shadows of the wind turbines loom in the foreground of another scorching sun.

On this particular trek, I caught a glimpse of Star as she went hunting in the verge…

Oct. 6th, 2023: Shades in a sunrise differ depending on the skies. Not that it would cross the mind of a grey seal, which was spotted at Whaligoe Steps perusing the local waters…

Oct. 7th, 2023: Early on a Saturday afternoon, I was fortunate enough to not only witness a rock pipit hopping from stone to stone, but also one of the wild rabbits which inhabit a vibrant community here at the ‘Steps.

Oct. 8th, 2023: Looking magnificent after Charlie’s stonemasonry, the second flight of the six which make their way down the cliff face.

Despite the drizzle during this trek, I was pleased to witness the grey seal swimming around in some restless tides.

Oct. 9th, 2023: Waves became excitable when analysed closely, yet from a distance they rapidly diminished when seen within the context of a radiant sunrise.

Oct. 10th, 2023: Jagged rock and the Whaligoe Steps provide the shapes for what nature likes to work with. Below is a point beside the Bink where a hole exists filled with rubble.

An angle taken of the ‘forgotten flight’ (fifth flight of Whaligoe Steps) as it curls towards the Bink.

Oct. 11th, 2023: There’s gold in them skies I tell you!

During a Wednesday trek I was astounded by the beautiful sunrise. A wonderful opportunity to capture a silhouette too.

Oct. 12th, 2023: Talking of silhouettes…

These past few days, the waterfall has been rife as the water from the higher ground has been adding to the generosity of flow.

Oct. 13th, 2023: The wild rabbits love the sunshine.

A photograph showcasing the work Charlie Juhlenski did on the third flight of Whaligoe Steps.

Oct. 14th, 2023: A grim day as the weather continues to bite. The lack of seabirds has made an eerie presence to the skies and the ledges of the cliffs, so it was a delight to see this great black-backed gull enjoying the ripe breeze of the North Sea.

Oct. 15th, 2023: During my Sunday afternoon trek down and around Whaligoe Steps, not only was the weather cold and almost uninviting, but Star provided some light relief by being cute.

Jackdaws ponder over which direction to travel via the John O’Groats trail…

So until the next blog entry, I must say with hearty gratitude a sincere THANK YOU for your support reading and looking at these blogs, and for taking some time to check out my postings on social media.

This whole experiment with investing time and money in ‘Whaligoe Eye’ has been a truly profound experience, and with the Highland Council working in the background on how they’re going to utilise their £90,000 budget to create a better infrastructure here at Whaligoe Steps, there is some real room for optimism regarding a safer and more appropriate car park for residents and visitors alike in the future.

I hope you take care, stay safe and have a positive fortnight until my next blog entry.

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye | Lybster | Facebook

TWITTER (X): Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / X (twitter.com)

TWITTER (X) Gary: Gary (@floodland08) / X (twitter.com)

EMAIL: WhaligoeEyeToo@gmail.com

Daily Challenge (Part 9)

It’s remarkable how time can seem to be passing slowly, but all of a sudden you realise that it’s been going much quicker. My challenge to go down and around the Whaligoe Steps each and every day from May the 1st, 2023, through to May the 1st, 2024 is still going strong.

This blog entry celebrates a third of my overall challenge (a full three hundred and sixty five days of taking photos down and around Whaligoe Steps) successfully achieved, as four months of consecutive exploring and documenting are now under my proverbial belt.

Within this blog entry, I share with you some highlights from the days covering August 21st, 2023 to the 3rd of September, 2023…

August 21st, 2023: Around this time of year, getting up early and tackling the descent down Whaligoe Steps can provide beautiful sunrise experiences. There are plenty of those which I’ve been fortunate enough to photograph and will be sharing with you. On this Monday, I came across Star roaming around in search of rodents and rabbits.

August 22nd, 2023: Wildflowers are getting a little scarce compared to earlier months around here, but I couldn’t help but capture a flurry of colour near the top of the Whaligoe Steps. In the other photograph below, the zig-zagging Whaligoe Steps eventually settle down on the Bink (grassy platform) where the old salt house still has a presence.

August 23rd, 2023: Wednesday morning had a complimentary sunrise glow. Wild rabbits hopped about and shadows lurked on the third flight of Whaligoe Steps.

August 24th, 2023: Mild and drizzly morning trek revealed the great black-backed gull and hints of wildflower presence amongst the grey.

August 25th, 2023: Liquid diamonds glint in and amongst the grass verges and foliage, whilst the curve from the second flight into the third of Whaligoe Steps shows off great stonemasonry from Charlie Juhlenski.

August 26th, 2023: Due to steady drizzle over the preceding days, the local waterfall here at Whaligoe Steps was generous indeed…

August 27th, 2023: I noticed a few boats out on the North Sea in late August, here’s an example as I witnessed a sailing boat majestically glide through the tides. On land, some rosebay willowherb dances in the breeze to a backdrop of yellow wildflowers.

August 28th, 2023: Rugged landscape captured by my camera during this Monday morning trek…

August 29th, 2023: An obligatory wild bunny skips as the cloud wraps a potential sunrise in a duvet cloud.

August 30th, 2023: Stunning sunrise was witnessed on this particular day. Had to include a photograph taken on the pebble shoreline of the broken anchor too. One of several signatures of a trade which used this wee bit of coastline as a port in previous times.

August 31st, 2023: Silhouettes softly swayed to the coastal winds as a sunrise lit up the surface of the North Sea in a glittering gold backdrop.

This photograph of the moon was taken in the morning of this day and was cause for excitement as there were two full moons in August, 2023. The first one arrived on August the 1st.

September 1st, 2023: Despite the savage wave of Avian flu which struck the seagull population badly at Whaligoe Steps, it’s been a treat to see seabirds still going about their daily business.

Another first for Whaligoe Eye, a sighting of a stoat along the jagged rock coastline was a real bonus. It moved very close to me as it explored amongst the scenery, but I was able to snap a photograph before it darted out of sight shortly afterwards.

September 2nd, 2023: From Whaligoe Steps, you can get a positive view of the North Sea. Occasionally, that means just over eight miles from the mainland you can see Beatrice off-shore wind farm. During my Saturday afternoon trek I witnessed more boat-themed activity as you can see below.

Looking south from the Whaligoe Steps area, curves and contours of the rugged coastline share an ambience.

September 3rd, 2023: Noticed a sensational sky around Whaligoe Steps during this specific Sunday afternoon trek. I was hoping to catch a sight of another stoat, but the skies can offer such beauty at times that I returned home still appreciating what nature offers.

So, another fortnight captured for posterity in my challenge to witness what Whaligoe Steps has to offer each and every day over three hundred and sixty five days. Beginning from May 1st, 2023 and hoping to reach May 1st, 2024, I hope to share another blog entry once my next fortnight is up.

As always, thank you for your kindness and generosity of time. Sharing these images and observations with you has been a revelation.

Take care, be safe and know I’m sending you positive wishes.

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye | Lybster | Facebook

EMAIL: WhaligoeEye@gmail.com

TWITTER (X): Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / X (twitter.com)

TWITTER (X) (Gary): Gary (@floodland08) / X (twitter.com)