Deja Vu

The amenities/facilities here around the Whaligoe Steps. Exhibit A.

Either right at the very end of 2017 or the turning of 2018, this salt grit bin made an appearance. When the ground gets too icy and dangerous the contents can be used to make conditions a lot safer.

Photo taken this morning – 30th August, 2021

As I meandered back up from the Whaligoe Steps this morning, I walked over to the grit salt bin which is the only (at the time of this blog post) sign of Highland Council presence within their residential car parking area regarding amenities/facilities.

But I digress. I wanted to share with you the continued traffic situation here when it gets busy.

Mexican Stand-Off yesterday (29/08/2021)

With the car park full, a car on the left is waiting patiently for some sensible and safe way to park. As they wait a resident tries to leave their lane (the silver car). Meanwhile a campervan hesitates in the only access point to the residential car parking facility due to an oncoming Jeep squeezing by.

In a recent local newspaper article, residents or visitors were recommended by the Highland Council to call 101 – I quote “Obstruction is a police matter. Residents experiencing obstruction or damage to their property/vehicles should contact the police on 101.”

“The council has no immediate plans to extend the car park at Ulbster but is willing to work with communities where need is identified and funding can be found.”

The article can be found here: Ulbster resident talks of ‘nightmare’ parking problems at Whaligoe Steps on NC500 route (

Naturally, with the volume of visitors increasing and the residential car park being full, individuals seek out other parking locations.

27th August, 2021 – Cairn O’Get Parking Bay
29th August, 2021 – Residential lane leading to the residential car park

Take care, and as always thanks for your time. Be safe.