Since You Bin Gone…

3rd September, 2021

Yesterday morning at around 08:50, the Highland Council kindly provided the Whaligoe Steps car park with a litter bin.

This is very welcome as with so many individuals visiting this area these days/nights, I am seeing more and more food wrappers, masks and tissues, etc. appearing not only on the Whaligoe Steps but in the car parking area too.

Now that this area has a litter bin, when you are visiting and have that little extra bit of litter lurking in your hand or pocket please feel free to use this new addition. It helps the environment and also adds something positive to the experience for other visitors here.

This morning when I went for a stroll hoping to catch sight of some natural wonders, I took some photographs of litter I found. It gives you and I an idea about how positive this litter bin will prove to be once individuals realise there is one that is close at hand.

4th September, 2021
4th September, 2021
4th September, 2021
4th September, 2021

There is a lot going on regarding this blogging website in the background. Ideas are brewing and motions in directions relating to an updated article on the Whaligoe Steps, other features to the site and strides to get some other facilities and safer infrastructure to this location at the Whaligoe Steps. More to follow.

Thank you so much for the thousands of hits on this website that are being counted; the many, many visitors from around the world and for those who have reached out with some good questions. Apologies for any delays in getting back to you, but I try my best to be as prompt as I can. It is encouraging to know that you care and have some interest in what is being created here.

Take care as always and be safe.