Autumn Vibes

Oct. 23rd, 2022

History research continues in the background, two blog entries are being tweaked as I type this out. Life continues at a pace and so as a consequence, I’m sharing this general overview of updates with you. I sincerely hope that this October entry finds you winning in all of the challenges you find yourselves in, as the world continues to rock and roll. Before I dive in with photographs and words, just wanting to send you all positive wishes and thoughts.

Screenshot from my phone… (August 26th, 2022)

On March 4th, 2021, the Highland Council announced a necessary investment in tourism for the Highland region £1.5m tourism investment gets the green light in Highland’s budget proposals for Recovery, Health and Prosperity | The Highland Council

On August 25th, 2022, the Highland Council made the promising announcement of their ambitious investment for tourism infrastructure Ambitious Tourism Infrastructure Development Plan approved | The Highland Council

Watching with great optimism, the period in which these investments get underway range from two to five years. The residential car park located at the top of Whaligoe Steps is to receive £90,000 of financial input, with current estimations on increasing the parking facilities to accommodate more vehicles.

Access to the car park could still be noted as a concern, but so far, the news is greeted with optimism. Despite not receiving any replies to any communications regarding concerns over further property damage, hazards to residents or visitors alike, it is a positive moment to hear anything which is to benefit the immediate area, via this public announcement. It can only be for the betterment of residents and visitors once this investment is turned into actual activity and purpose.

Grey seal…

Since August of this year, throughout September and thus far, October too, I have been doing my rounds up and down Whaligoe Steps. The wildlife has been most entertaining and wonderful to observe. Gulls of various sorts are swooping, watching and generally being active, plus the grey seals keep the North Sea company with their exploration of the coastline.

It is the time of year for sunrise moments and the moon too has been getting in on the action. Not only wonderful moon spectacles at night, but during the early mornings as well.

The moon has been quite a sight, and despite plenty of cloudy skies there have been sunrises too…

Over the past couple of months, the grey seals have been putting on a show. A new-to-me moment of witnessing five grey seals on the rocky coastline at the same time here at Whaligoe Steps, made quite an impression. Here are some photographs to celebrate a welcome coastal visitor.

Sshh… Don’t tell anyone, but last year Halloween featured as a time to focus on a little history and also a time to dress up and be a bit silly. Halloween Special: Miller Brothers Mystery – Whaligoe Eye

This year, as Halloween yet again looms large, I’ll be doing something silly again. Plus, there are some interesting darker-themed events which have surfaced during the historical researching which I might be sharing. Time-permitting, and logistics to consider.

During a busy September this year, plenty of visitors were coming and going. On the odd occasions, I find myself chatting to some of them. Always a pleasure to exchange anecdotes and views about various and sundries. One particular fellow called David Albutt entered into conversation as he was visiting Whaligoe Steps with his drone.

September, 2022…

Many thanks for the conversation and for giving permission of such a fabulous photograph from your drone. Whaligoe Steps from the viewpoint of a swooping seagull. David Albutt (@david_albutt) • Instagram photos and videos

Giveaway 2022…

Last year, I wanted to give something back to those of you who subscribed to receive a newsletter or two. It was such fun and a pleasure to organise, I’m doing it all over again this year. Thank you to all of you who have signed up. Just know that I barely send newsletters out at the moment, so you’re unlikely to be snowed under!

The giveaway simply has me putting my hand in a cup of scrunched up bits of paper, which contain the names of the individuals who are on the newsletter list, and at random the winner is selected.

Due to the exciting response from those of you who use Facebook, there is going to be a giveaway of a hat. (I only have the one keyring at the moment). Keep your eyes peeled regarding updates for that activity.

Oct. 19th, 2022

Autumn brings a lot more rain than usual, and this year it has created more flow to the waterfall. This photograph was taken by me only a few days ago on a frequent visit down Whaligoe Steps.

Star, being pleased with herself…

The resident cat who is a Star by name, and by nature, has been busy catching rodents around the Steps. She is doing very well for herself.

One last thing to mention for those of you who enjoy following my poetry pursuits, I am thrilled to share I have been published in a second poetry book.

The first book was a charity-driven book of poetry raising awareness about autism, raising money for a charity based in England called ‘Austism Angels UK’…

Autism inspired poetry book

The second poetry book which includes three of my poems, has a focus firmly on the theme of love, and is a project assembled by the kind and creative mind of Stuart Matthews (Instant Eternal). An impressive list of Poets which belong to a community on Twitter, all contributed their words following prompts. ‘A Whisper of Your Love’ can be purchased from all good book retailers.

Thank you again for your time and kindness, it is much appreciated. Just by following on Twitter, Facebook, checking out this humble blogging website, looking at the photographs, liking comments, subscribing to the mailing list, mentioning the website or generally being so positive about, you’re helping with keeping attention on the infrastructure here. This in turn, is going to make the environment safer and better in many ways for those who visit or live in the area.

Thank you.

Whaligoe Eye – TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

Whaligoe Eye – FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

Gary (Personal TWITTER account): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

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First Anniversary…


“Thank you” is the obvious place to start after battling illness in recent weeks, and receiving some welcome kind wishes and sentiment on a return to action. “Thank you” is also for the generosity of time you share when reading the blogs, visiting the social media platforms, signing up to a newsletter, participating in the ‘Postcards’ section of this humble website, and for being You.

I had low expectations when I began this venture in August, last year, due to the life we all find ourselves living. We’re all too busy to be looking at nature themed photography, or reading about community developments, or learning bits of history. But here we are, twelve months in to something which is named “Whaligoe Eye”.

August 23rd, 2022…

On August 1st, 2022, I posted a blog which contained general updates on various points of interest taking place here around Whaligoe Steps. Watch Your Step… – Whaligoe Eye

One specific aspect in that blog entry regarding the state of the single access lane to the residential carpark and the carpark itself was raised with examples of pot-holes. For those who are interested, the pot-holes have been filled in by the Highland Council. I was reliably informed that the Council Ranger was the individual who took care of these. Many thanks. Here are some photos…

Remaining in theme that this blog entry is a celebration of twelve months deciphering the ownership and maintenance, uploading and use of a website in conjunction with learning about nature and a whole host of other elements which go in to this project, it is also a chance to recognise the Highland Council have stepped up to provide a yellow grit bin for icy conditions (located in the residential carpark), a rubbish bin for the litter situation (also located at the residential carpark) and have now filled in pot-holes. So “Thank you” to all who had a part to play in these welcome additions to the Whaligoe Steps area.

Reflecting over this first year which has really flown by like a seagull swooping in the air, there have been some beautiful natural moments documented and captured. Here’s a shameless gallery for your perusal.

There was a prize giveaway late last year which was fun and a newsletter subscriber was selected at random and received this in the post.

Well, the good news is that it’s happening again! I am currently preparing prizes and if you’re an individual who signed up to receive a newsletter or if you’re a follower on Facebook, then keep your eyes peeled over the next few weeks as developments take place for a celebratory freebie giveaway.

Going to share a gallery of wildflowers which I photographed over recent months around Whaligoe Steps.

Over the past year since Whaligoe Eye began, I’ve slowly been adding content to the ‘Postcards’ section where visitors are kind enough to have their photograph taken during a visit to Whaligoe Steps;

the ‘Nature’ section is constantly being updated with new images (which reminds me, I have plenty of new ones to add!);

there’s been blogs about congestion and highlighting the situation of an unsuitable infrastructure here for visitors and residents alike;

a prize giveaway; coverage of a seal puppy encounter;

updates on traffic incidents; updates about an animal rescue attempt; updates on stonemasonry on the first three flights of Whaligoe Steps thanks to Charles Juhlenski;

Stonemason, Charles Juhlenski

coverage throughout June of my ’30 Days Wild’ (an initiative inspired by the Wildlife Trust in understanding and appreciation of our natural world); a little hint of the wealth of historical content (much more to come!); plus on social media some frivolity with Easter, Halloween and Christmas…

All going well, I’m buckling up for the next twelve months to continue posting blogs, adding images to ‘Postcards’ and ‘Nature’ plus making a concerted effort to get this historical content I’ve been researching and reading, to you in some form via

The issue thankfully is not having the lack of content to share, it is merely juggling the time and resources to share it with you. A blessing in disguise.

The learning curve never ends.

Take care for now, stay safe and sending you positive wishes.

August 20th, 2022…

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

YOUTUBE: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube

TWITTER (Personal account): Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter


Halloween Special: Miller Brothers Mystery

I went down the Whaligoe Steps not once, but twice, which may not sound unusual considering I live here. But when you discover that I was dressed up in a boiler suit, put on a pair of steel toe-capped boots and was wearing a claustrophobic mask you may ponder why would I do such a thing?! Well, it is Halloween and I can be over-zealous when caught in a moment, plus in this example I had indulged in a movie franchise binge and found my over-active imagination stimulated to unhealthy proportions.

In recent months behind the scenes there has been plenty of researching, note-taking and general mischief and merriment to make even a pirate blush, and the results of these eye-opening activities will be surfacing in one form or another during the ever-anticipated and unfolding future. But for now I wanted to share with you a fascinating mystery. I felt the essence of this mystery bid a salute to this time of year, which is the spooky and creepy event some regard as Halloween.

It was the 14th of July, 1848, and a Whaligoe fisherman out on the ocean waves along the coastline here at Caithness, vanished aboard his fishing boat whilst seeking out a herring catch to make the most hardy of competitors sweat with jealousy. Nothing was ever found or deduced in relation to his disappearance apart from his bonnet floating eerily on the surface of the sea. The crew which consisted of his two sons had no account worthy of substance as to the reason why this local man simply disappeared without warning or notice. Their unanimous account rallied the narrative of waking up and finding that Donald Miller had simply vanished without trace during the night.

Mr. Miller’s Brother Alexander, was also regarded as a local Whaligoe fisherman, and lived in Pulteneytown which is located around seven miles away. On the evening of the 11th of December, 1856, what was later identified as his hat was discovered onboard a boat called the “Rambler”, but there was quite literally no sign or sound of the man himself. It appeared that on this fateful late hour, Mr. Alexander Miller had simply vanished without any trace leaving only his hat as a signature of existence.

Curious tales of disappearance, a mystery wrapped up in an enigma. To this day as I sit here after stumbling across these two moments of curiosity; eight years apart but both showcasing a disappearance with no satisfactory conclusion and leaving behind their hats – I think this is a worthy blog entry on the day of Hallows Eve…

Thanks as always for your time, take care and be safe.

If you wish to, please feel free to subscribe using the form that you can find on here. If you use Twitter, then you can find me in either of these places: Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter or Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

Alternatively check out Whaligoe Eye over on Facebook: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

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