Whaligoe Steps 365 (Part 10)

Thank you for joining me for this latest blog entry which is documenting a fortnight of my daily treks down and around Whaligoe Steps. Having the luxury of living so close to such a feat of engineering where six flights zig-zag down the side of a 250 foot cliff, is something I appreciate more and more with each day thanks to such a beautiful array of natural wonders.

My challenge began on May 1st, 2023… New Challenge (Part 1) – Whaligoe Eye

My intention is to venture down or/and around Whaligoe Steps each and every day for three hundred and sixty five days, gaining a better insight and flavour of the changing of seasons in this beautiful coastal location. The fortnight covered in this blog entry goes from Monday, 4th September through to and including Sunday 17th of September… It proved to be a period of time which celebrates the golden glow of sunrises.

Sept. 4th, 2023: Sunrises are interesting and unique thanks to their cloud formations which spread light in varying directions, but they also provide interesting and striking silhouettes. The moon on this particular Monday was also out to socialise with the sunrise.

Sept. 5th, 2023: Star has kept me company on many of my recent treks, and below you can witness her stretching her claws.

Despite the recent wave of Avian flu impacting the seabird population here, there are still signs of the natural cycle spreading the wings of defiance too.

Sept. 6th, 2023: The remaining boat winch reminds us all of nautical times which were rife along this rugged coastline in the past, as wildflowers even in early September provide speckled colours among the grey and green.

Sept. 7th, 2023: During my Thursday morning trek, I found myself witnessing another beautiful sunrise.

Sept. 8th, 2023: A jackdaw soaks up the rays of the distant sun, while mayweed sighs in the shade.

Sept. 9th, 2023: Sparkling liquid gold provides a home for a silhouette during another sunrise, which also provides a wild rabbit the chance to play peek-a-boo…

Sept. 10th, 2023: The great black-backed gull was seen on many treks during this time, as a pair of them regularly perch and observe their surroundings.

Some ambience captured as the wildflowers in the area are gradually transforming with Autumn approaching.

Sept. 11th, 2023: An opportunity during my Monday trek to capture some landscape. Such jagged and provocative rock shapes grace the coastline here. Beautiful skies too.

Sept. 12th, 2023: I witnessed Caithness Seacoast on this specific trek. You may recall my trip on a tour their provided down the coastline from Wick Harbour to Whaligoe Steps – See Coast – Whaligoe Eye

Also below, on this day I witnessed a stunning Red Admiral butterfly flirting with the prominent dandelions around here.

Sept. 13th, 2023: Blazing sunrise below really dazzles.

There have been several moments where the wild rabbits here at Whaligoe Steps entertain with their hopping and curiosity. To capture three of them in profile like they are below is an unusual and fascinating sight.

Sept. 14th, 2023: More sunrise themed ambience captured during a brief window on this Thursday morning trek down and around Whaligoe Steps.

Sept. 15th, 2023: During an early morning trek I get to experience a natural peace, a tranquillity where the wildlife go about their business and the skies whisper to the landscape. The two photographs below showcase the rocky coastline and the spacious North Sea on a typical September morning.

Sept. 16th, 2023: There have been sightings throughout my daily treks of many varieties of boat out to sea. Here’s an example of just such an observation.

A photograph of my view standing on top of a two hundred and fifty foot cliff looking up the coast.

Sept. 17th, 2023: A wee black wild rabbit hopes I haven’t seen it as I pan my camera over some grassland on top of the Whaligoe Steps.

Star on the hunt during a relaxing Sunday morning stroll…

I hope you enjoyed these photographs, and if you get the time and inclination there are previous blog entries covering plenty of fortnights where I am documenting my walks down and around the Whaligoe Steps.

New Challenge (Part 2) – Whaligoe Eye

New Challenge (Part 3) – Whaligoe Eye

New Challenge (Part 4) – Whaligoe Eye

New Challenge (Part 5) – Whaligoe Eye

New Challenge (Part 6) – Whaligoe Eye

Daily Challenge (Part 7) – Whaligoe Eye

Daily Challenge (Part 8) – Whaligoe Eye

Daily Challenge (Part 9) – Whaligoe Eye

From the off-shore wind farm called Beatrice to the beautiful sunrises I have recently witnessed, know that I’m sending you positive wishes and I’m grateful for your support and interest. It really means a lot.

Stay safe, take care and I hope to bring you another instalment from my daily adventures exploring down and around Whaligoe Steps as a third of my challenge is already completed.

Thank you, only always.

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye | Lybster | Facebook

TWITTER (X): https://twitter.com/WhaligoeEye

TWITTER (X) Gary: Gary (@floodland08) / X (twitter.com)

EMAIL: WhaligoeEyeToo@gmail.com


January 16th, 2022…

If I’m watching a television series and there is a gap between watching the episodes, I find myself thankful when the creators of such a show provide a recap. That magical reminder of the characters and their story arc, the prompt to pick up where I left off whilst watching avidly on prior occasions.

So here it is for those of you who are new to the “Whaligoe Eye” project (and there has been a significant increase of visitors to this humble website), covering life on and around the remarkable Whaligoe Steps, here in the north Highlands of Scotland.

This recap also applies to those who have dropped by in the past thanks to my coverage of Stonemasonry undertaken by Charles Juhlenski on the Steps; the blogs covering my thirteen day monitoring of a grey seal pup here at Whaligoe Steps; the coverage of ongoing congestion and overwhelming traffic issues which have plagued the local infrastructure here causing a significant amount of anxiety and stress for visitors and locals alike, or general curiosity after the welcome social media interest in my poetry and promotion of this website.

Although the history of Whaligoe Steps can be dated back via documented sources to around 1640, the Steps we can witness at the time of this blog entry are commonly associated to the sterling investment of Captain David Brodie. He commissioned around 330 Caithness flagstones to be set in the cliff face to provide a robust pathway down to what is known as the Bink, which is situated at the base of the zig-zagging descent. The year most commonly associated with Captain Brodie and his intent on creating a better walkway is around 1791.

I’m not going to enter into a whole chronological history lesson right now, that can wait for the book which I’m researching and constantly working on. Just know that living here for over thirty years, I count my blessings being entertained, stimulated and marvelling at the world around me regarding Whaligoe Steps. So let me take this opportunity to share the story thus far dating back only a few months when I kickstarted this modest blogging website.

(Social media screenshot) Coverage at the time of the dangerous numbers of visitors overwhelmed the immediate infrastructure at Whaligoe Steps

Due to the frustrating lack of acknowledgement by the Highland Council to the plight facing residents and visitors to Whaligoe Steps over the past five years (!), I took the plunge and paid for this website in August, 2021. For one reason or another, nobody else was in a situation locally to provide a sensible and socially aware approach to bringing attention to the evident health and safety risks of residents and visitors here.

After being informed by other residents of constant minor vehicle-related incidents in the residents carpark, or near misses to pedestrians in relation to the significant increase to traffic either mounting the kerb, or trying to negotiate a singular access point which was not built for purpose of this magnitude, I decided to do something about it! The proverbial cherry on top of the cake arrived nearly a year prior, when in September, 2020, my outer wall was knocked down by an impressive sized campervan! My stress levels hit an all time high.

Residents carpark totally full in August, 2021 – No space for residents or anyone wishing to visit residents…

As of the middle of January, 2022, I’m sad to update one and all with how nothing has changed regarding this specific concern. Mind you, in fairness to the Highland Council they did eventually provide a well-used dustbin for refuse collection as we had at that point no facilities other than a yellow grit bin! The rubbish bin is a silver lining to what has been a huge disappointment thus far.

I took a screenshot of a relevant online meeting the Highland Council orchestrated regarding significant increases to tourism in the Highlands and the impacts thereof. This meeting was held on September 29th (2021) and apart from their back-slapping over providing wardens to assess and data-collect, they also recognised that lessons in social media would be beneficial.

Despite only one local Councillor venturing out to meet me and discuss or listen to my woes, I have emailed all others from the local Ward to no avail. The warden I witnessed on a couple of occasions who visited the carpark and immediate area when no traffic and disruption was unfolding, made no overtures of communication or data-collection from myself or those who I have spoken with.

Sharing this with you is surprisingly cathartic, so I extend my humble thanks to you for listening.

So the first blog entry was on August the 15th, 2021, reporting on the chaos of another year busy with visitors to Whaligoe Steps, and tales of being unable to park in allocated spaces as they were full. As the days rolled by in a blur of constant monitoring and anxiety, the website began to take on other elements of what makes this community so interesting and precious.

Photo taken thanks to a trip with Caithness Seacoast in 2021… From the perspective of the north sea looking under the Bink.

There was a trip taken with Caithness Seacoast in 2021 which added to the learning curve regarding the relationship of Whaligoe Steps in context to the coastline leading to Wick. During this time I was learning about the abundant wildlife around Whaligoe Steps, and raising awareness regarding the ominous situation on my doorstep with congestion and volume of visitors by talking to some local newspapers…

“Whaligoe Eye” by this point was showcasing galleries representing Nature – Whaligoe Eye plus photographs of visitors who were happy to be added to Postcards – Whaligoe Eye

Another highlight for me was getting the opportunity to talk to the Stonemason Charles Juhlenski and see him at work. For several months he worked hard repairing and maintaining a couple of flights from the total of six which make up Whaligoe Steps.

Before the end of 2021, on my regular treks down the Steps I was privileged to discover a baby grey seal on the pebble shore. For thirteen days I monitored the transition as the white fur gave way to a grey coat, and the general confidence the pup developed as it became aware of its surroundings. Two blogs covered this experience and even now I am so warm-hearted by the whole encounter.

I think that will do for what was supposed to be a condensed recap of the past few months here at Whaligoe Steps.

The positive feedback and support from local folk as well as those beautiful people from around the globe, from Australia to Africa, Canada and the U.S., to many other interesting parts of the Earth, have been at times sincerely overwhelming. I thank you one and all.

It would be remiss of me not to say that your continued support simply visiting and reading some of the content; following the various social media enterprises associated with this website; and those who subscribed to this venture via the online form, are very much appreciated and add to the unity of cultural insight and awareness of this area of the Highlands coastline in Scotland. You also get to peek behind a curtain and relate to community impact in the face of a perceived apathy and uncomfortable political situation. I share my humble gratitude with you and look forward to sharing more of this unfolding true story with you.

This year, 2022, is looking like it will be one truly insane time! Where unassuming visitors and residents already battle-weary, will be confronting another dangerous and chaotic arena of feverish activities. Not only is access for emergency services in question, but sadly the constant call for updates within the infrastructure here to cater for toilet facilities, better signage, safer conditions for pedestrians, better parking allocation, and perhaps some communication/transparency from the Highland Council with the residents regarding intentions or plans which may be ahead.

Be assured that it’s my intention to continue working on updates for this website throughout 2022. Covering as much of the evolving landscape, wildlife, revealing the history as I research it, and capturing the carnage which is to follow as the months creep forward.

Thank You again, you’re amazing. Take care and stay safe.


TWITTER: Whaligoe Eye (@WhaligoeEye) / Twitter

My personal TWITTER account: Gary (@floodland08) / Twitter

FACEBOOK: Whaligoe Eye – Home | Facebook

YOUTUBE: Whaligoe Eye – YouTube

Latest Blog Entry: A Cool Descent… – Whaligoe Eye

See Coast

Gary all dressed up with somewhere to go!

It has been a busy few days here for Whaligoe Eye. Time to share with you a few bits about some observations and activities. Hold tight as those waves can provide quite a rollercoaster ride!

Caithness Seacoast Caithness Seacoast – Thrilling Sea Tours around the Caithness Coastline (caithness-seacoast.co.uk) have gained a great reputation for bringing some truly great insight to a piece of the north-easterly coastline in these parts of Scotland, in conjunction with dramatic views, wildlife encounters and moments of adrenaline. The word ‘thrill’ is readily to mind when reflecting on a generous hour and a half of adventure.

The Bink and Whaligoe Steps in the background ascending the cliff face

Whaligoe Steps from the north sea is a unique opportunity to see them from a refreshing perspective. It is one thing to be descending and tackling the ascent afterwards on those stones underfoot, but to see them in relation to the landscape which embraces them is something else.

Coastal caves located below the Bink…

Not only did we witness the coastal caves which lurk beneath the Bink, or maybe a little to the side, but we witnessed the waterfalls sprinkling a delightfully fresh cascade down on to the surface of the sea.

Waterfalls which dwell just around a corner of coastal cliffs near the Whaligoe Steps…

With a narrative regarding historical facts, wildlife and significant individuals to what was witnessed regarding the trip from Wick Harbour to the Whaligoe Steps, there was no room for a break. The eyes were taking in the views, the ears were listening to trivia and all the time the brain was bombarded with stimuli.

Risso’s dolphin fin sighted on the Caithness Seacoast expedition…

This adventure was an experience which was very welcome, insightful and I will be doing again. The knowledge of the crew, the attention to health and safety and the overall detail provided made me feel confident in them and their abilities, and subsequently relax and enjoy the ride. Highly recommended.

Thanks to Caithness Seacoast for making a memory