Thank You

People are an integral ingredient when it comes to life here at Whaligoe Steps. You would find on a visit to this location an immediate neighbourhood comprising of six households in total situated near or around the residential car park. These people live here and go about their daily business.

Photograph taken in September, 2019

Thinking about the Whaligoe Steps, you have those people passing through (visitors) and you have people in the responsible roles of decision-making, who are at the time of this blog post attempting to negotiate the best strategy to improve the infrastructure and empower a positive experience for the visitors and residents alike.

Tourism Committee Meeting – September 29th, 2021

I sat through two and a half hours of a meeting regarding the topic of tourism in the Highlands of Scotland, with decision-makers saying how impressive they had been so far in relation to tackling the evident surge and overwhelming arrival of visitors to varying popular destinations.

Nobody related to this significant meeting had reached out to me or anyone I know who is directly connected to the Whaligoe Steps, so it is with pure good luck (and continued humble thanks to Margaret Meek from the “NC500 The Land Weeps”) that I can now share my more informed thoughts on developments.

The committee were smitten with their campaign of communication with communities and visitors but as I sit here, after emails were sent to all members of the Council Ward: 03 – Wick and East Caithness, only Councillor Jill Tilt has made overtures of interest and enthusiasm toward understanding what local people perceive to be improvements to the infrastructure. It was very much appreciated and I wish to share a humble THANK YOU.

Councillor Jill Tilt in her capacity as a new member to the Council Ward visited me today to better gain insight to the logistics for residents and visitors negotiating the access and car parking. This Councillor is the only one to have sent a reply to my initial email, and I have to say that I was thoroughly impressed with her approach which was both professional and sympathetic.

Due to various reasons, Willie Mackay did not email me but has dropped by in person to visit the Whaligoe Steps where it was evident he was assessing the location. Not one syllable has been sent my way from Andrew Sinclair (emailed on the 29th of August) or Raymond Bremner (emailed on the 1st of September) who are the other two Councillors for this Ward.

I like to dwell if at all possible on positive aspects that go on behind the scenes. With this in mind and if you’re happy to indulge me I would love to share my gratitude to the many individuals who have made this new “Whaligoe Eye” experience so rewarding.

I mentioned the good lady earlier, but THANK YOU to Margaret Meek once again as without her experience in matters relating to infrastructure and politics, I would have still been twirling about like a lost sheep!

This website has grown so much in just six weeks and one section I really enjoy sharing is the “Postcards” area. The above photograph is a memory of an encounter with visitors who spent some time talking and listening and it is merely one example. They were lovely strangers to meet, and what a location to meet new people!

Holding a camera and capturing a moment out to sea, this visitor managed to negotiate seaweed and slippery pebbles and made it look easy! His fiancée stood watching from a distance and the two of them were so kind and interested in the area.

I would like to say THANK YOU to George Walker for emailing and sharing his photography of the Whaligoe Steps, and his advice relating to the art of photography. If you have a moment, check out

I have received quite a few emails in recent weeks and I know some of you would rather I did not mention you by name, but this is a THANK YOU for your feedback regarding all manner of aspects connected to Whaligoe Eye.

Here are some overdue moments of gratitude to some folk who I emailed a few weeks ago regarding quotes for a future piece I am working on…

THANK YOU to Catherine over at Where To Stay, Eat, Shop & Explore, Highlands Of Scotland (

THANK YOU to Susan over at A Highland Blend – | Promoting the north Highlands of Scotland

THANK YOU to Tim over at Scotland Off the Beaten Track – An honest travel guide to the best of Scotland (

Before I go, here is a bit of fun I had with some art-based software. I had an old photograph of Whaligoe Steps which I played with…

THANK YOU for your time and as always, take care and be safe.

Never Judge a Book…

Box of books…

Books are fabulous! One downside though of possessing books in these recent times which I feel slightly conflicted about sharing, is how they accumulate to the point of invading precious physical space. I need more room for stuff!

The reason for mentioning this topic is on a sunny morning I put out a box of books at the top of the Whaligoe Steps for visitors to take. Giving them away for free was an interesting experience and you may have thought that I would have seen the entire batch removed. You thought wrong.

As I observed visitors which had turned out in respectable number sauntering around the area here, it became apparent that the congestion issue was still highly relevant. At the time of this blog, it may be at the halfway point of September, but visitors are still making the most of their spare time by experiencing the Whaligoe Steps.

14th September, 2021 – Congestion
14th September, 2021 – Congestion
14th September, 2021 – Congestion

The Highland Council at the time of this blog still say there are no plans to extend the car park.

Thanks to Kirstin Tait Kirstin Tait – Journalist – Home | Facebook of the ‘Press and Journal’ for the recent coverage – Home – Press and Journal